Threatened Species Working Group Action Strategy for Nature Objective 3: Protect and recover threatened species, and species of ecological, cultural and economic significance. Aims of the WG: Act as a coordination network for species activities in the region Promote technical exchange of knowledge Increase collaboration and avoid duplication of efforts
Achievements in 2010/2011 1) Re-form and re-invigorate the Threatened Species Working Group RESULT: Membership to list-serve increased, but engagement still somewhat lacking 2) Create a database of current projects focused on species conservation. RESULT: database created by CI and Birdlife and circulated to list-serve for input. Currently have a list of 30 projects. 3) Create a database of people with Pacific island species expertise RESULT: Existing databases merged and circulated to list-serve for further input. Currently have over 350 people listed.
Challenges for the Group Species conservation is a fundamental area of Action Strategy Importance of this group and topic is recognized BUT: Lack of engagement Lack of enthusiasm for action People signed up to list-serve but not active Willingness to share ideas and knowledge an issue?
The way forward...? Is the Threatened Species Working Group necessary? Can enthusiasm be increased and further support leveraged? Advice from other list-serve groups? How can we build on the achievements and activities from 2010/2011?