Teacher and Student ePortfolios TCEA 2016 Teacher and Student ePortfolios
e-Portfolios An ePortfolio (electronic portfolio) is an electronic collection of evidence that shows your learning journey over time. Portfolios can relate to specific academic fields or your lifelong learning.
What is Seesaw – Student Driven Digital Portfolios Seesaw empowers students of any age to independently document what they are learning at school. Students capture learning with photos and videos of their work, or by adding digital creations. Everything gets organized in one place and is accessible to teachers from any device. Student work can be shared with classmates, parents, or published to a class blog. Seesaw gives students a real audience for their work and offers parents a personalized window into their child's learning.
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Types of ePortfolio Software Seesaw GoDaddy Google Sites Wix.com Weebly FreshGrade
ePortfolio Examples College Student Portfolios: School Portfolios: Video Tutorial on How to Create an ePortfolio with Google Sites, created by Nick Delzotto, Hawaii Tokai International College Clemson University Google Site - Clemson University ePortfolio web page School Portfolios: Northridge Academy High School Senior Portfolio Blue Ridge Virtual Governor's School (BRVGS) examples of Senior Projects Ryan Minnick (BRVGS) Kathy Schrock's blog entry on how her district is implementing GoogleApps RSU #19 Portfolio Template RSU#19's GoogleApps for Education Portfolio Plan e-Portfolios created at Bucklands Beach Intermediate School, Auckland, New Zealand (students in years 7-8 – ages 10-13) Tim (posted to Weebly) Cheyenne (saved to Wikispaces) Jessica (saved to Wikispaces) Ellen (saved to Blogger) Nicola (saved to Blogger) Learning to Learn in the 21st Century by Ian Fox - a description of BBI's portfolio philosophy