The Ear
Semi-circular canals - Self-assessment Semi-circular canals - Pinna (Outer ear) Auditory ossicles Auditorynerve Ear canal Ear drum Eustachian tube Cochlea
Vibrates when sound waves reach it. Auditory ossicles Parts Function Eardrum Vibrates when sound waves reach it. Auditory ossicles Three small bones that carry the vibrations from the ear drum to the cochlea. Cochlea Contains cilia, which are sensitive to sound vibrations. Change sound vibrations into nerve impulses. Auditory Nerve Carries nerve impulses from the cochlea to the brain. Semi-circular canals 3 tubes containing a liquid, which moves when your head moves. Messages are sent to the brain to control your balance.
Sound Waves The louder the sound the larger the amplitude (taller waves) and higher the Decibel reading. The higher pitch of the sound the higher the frequency (hertz) and the smaller the wavelength (waves closer together).