Freud’s Psycho-Sexual Theory You can remember the stages through the mnemonic: Old Age Pensioners Lack Genitals Oral Stage 0-1 ½ years old Anal Stage ½ - 3 years old Phallic Stage 3 – 7 years old Latency Stage 7-11 years old Genital Stage 11+ years old Freud said that the personality develops at different stages and is related to and focused on a particular part of the body that is relevant at that stage. If the needs of the developing child are met at each stage, it moves on tho the next developmental stages, but if there is a struggle or conflict or some unsatisfactory experience the individual becomes fixated at this stage. This can affect their personality characteristics in later life and affect their behaviour.
Freud’s Psycho-Sexual Theory Freud said that when we are born we like to suck everything because that’s about all we can do. We are obsessed with putting things in our mouths. What happens if we become fixated at this stage? ORAL STAGE Approximately age 0-1 ½ If we are weaned too early we become pessimistic and sarcastic as an adult. If we are weaned too late we are gullible and naive (eg Sucker!). Freud says that we could develop an ORAL personality – drink and smoke and eat too much.
Freud’s Psycho-Sexual Theory Freud said that if there was a battle with potty training then we would refuse to go for a poo! As an adult we would be anally-retentive and display characteristics of being miserly, controlling and obsessive. If we were not given boundaries with potty training we would be creative and messy and disorganised. WHAT DO YOU THINK? ANAL STAGE Approximately age 1 ½ - 3 Years Old
Freud’s Psycho-Sexual Theory PHALLIC STAGE Approx 3-7 years Oedipus/Electra Complex Freud says that a child falls in love with it’s opposite sex parent and is jealous of its same sex parent. Freud says that the child identifies with the same sex parent to vicariously have the opposite sex parent THROUGH the same sex parent. Freud said that if the complex was not resolved it could lead to homosexuality… What do you think? When a pushy mother wants her daughter to be a ballerina or an actress and ‘have the opportunities that she never had. She is living her dream through her daughter. This is the idea of living vicariously, you experience something through someone else having it.
Freud’s Psycho-Sexual Theory LATENCY STAGE Approx 7-11 years Freud says we are generally ‘happy’ and pretty ‘normal’ at this stage. What would Freud say would happen if a child was traumatised during this stage of development? Unable to form friendships or have fun. Cause depression in later life. Why is it important for children to have fun at this stage in life?
Freud’s Psycho-Sexual Theory GENITAL STAGE Approx 11+ years Freud said that when we go through puberty we reach the genital stage of development and are obsessed with our genitals. He said we stay in this phase for the rest of our lives! What do you think Freud would say about someone who became genitally fixated? How would it affect behaviour as an adult? Rapist? Unable to form relationships as obsessed with sex.