Exodus 16 pt 2 The Rhythm of life
No mention of morning or evening Suggests the Sabbath continues.
First time Sabbath is mentioned
Just because you don’t work on the Sabbath doesn’t mean you should bludge
Potty training is coming to an end
They really hadn’t “got” God
God holds people responsible
The purpose of the Sabbath v29 Rest
Character of God
God is the Boss
Depend on God to supply their needs
We choose God over our needs
Reflect God’s Rhythm
Remind them of Eden- before and after
Point forward to our real rest
Should we keep the Sabbath?
Early Christians changed their day to the Lord’s Day
“Do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ” (Col. 2:16, 17).
Our rest is in heaven
Creation commandment
Family day!
An omar of manna in the ark
Future reminder
Remind the children of what God has done.
Leave children an inheritance Physically as well as spiritually.
What sort of inheritance am I leaving?
God treats us like grown ups
Some fun stuff
1.try really hard to keep God’s rhythm of one day in seven- and enjoy if as a family- and as you do remember that this is a gift from God to you so that you get a small glimpse of what heaven is like. 2, Ask what inheritance are we leaving our kids? 3. God treats you differently as you grow up spiritually.