Structure of Freudian Mind Unconscious: location of the primary drives, including sex, love, emotions Inaccessible through the conscious mind Structured as a language
The Ego Ego = identity, conscious or waking life Unbroken, continuous sense of selfhood, or subjectivity. Ego formed in relation to primary drives (sex, survival) and exercises secondary drives (emotion, ambition, competition, etc).
Super-Ego Police of the Ego Muscle of Repression Super-Ego often in conflict with Ego’s accessing of forbidden or repressed desires.
Ego Formation (Boys) Oedipal “Complex” Infantile stage: oral stage of development; fixation, via the mouth, on the mother “Toddler” stage: anal stage of development; self-control of the body (potty training) Castration Anxiety: child’s desire for the mother , who lacks a penis, may provoke father into castrating him Identification with father: being like the father may prevent castration; normal heterosexual desire follows from identifying with the father’s relation to the female body.
Ego Formation (girls) Same early stages as boys Daughter cannot identify with the father because she lacks a penis. Winning approval from the threatening figure by identifying with mother’s position relative to the father. Displaces desire to have father’s penis onto another object with a penis (man).
Interpretation of Dreams Manifest Content: experience of the dream, the plot of the dream; dream “thought” Latent Content: the dream “work”, the content of the dream produced by the unconscious. Dream Thought: distorted transcript (dream) of the latent content. Distortion, Condensation: all make the dream work (unconscious) acceptable to ego-conscious