Making Sense of Reflexivity: Deconstructing the Story PhD Student Lunkka, Nina (1,2,3) & PhD Student Sutela, Katja (4, 5) 1 ) Research Unit of Nursing Science and Health Administration, University of Oulu, Finland, 2) Medical Research Center Oulu, 3) Oulu University Hospital, 4) Community of Research in Education, Music, and the Arts, University of Oulu, Finland, 5) EUDAIMONIA Purpose This poster presents an autobiographical account in which we, two PhD students at the same University but different faculties (health sciences and educational), make sense of our reflexivity during our PhD -research processes. We understand reflexivity as an emergent process instead of representational abstraction. The purpose of this poster is to explore our sensemaking of reflexivity as it emerges in the process of organizing of research work and academic world. Sensemaking (Weick 1995): Process of Analysis: Methods We deployed narrative analysis (deconstruction, Boje 1991) to our record-taped conversation in which we discussed our experiences of research process from the viewpoint of reflexivity. Preliminary results: We Are Part of the Ongoing Deconstruction of a Story of ”Good/Bad Reasearch and Good/Bad Academic” Main references: Weick KE (1995) Making sense of organization. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications. Boje D (1991) Narrative Methods for Organizational & Communication Research. London, Thousand Oaks, New Delhi: SAGE Publications. Corresponding Author: Nina Lunkka, Master of Health Sciences Research Unit of Nursing Science and Health Administration, PO Box 5000, 90014, University of Oulu, Finland E-mail: nina.lunkka(at)