Y5 Southease Trip
Dates and Times Please refer to your individual class letter for dates and times.
Why go? Enrich the curriculum. Place geography learning within the context of the local environment. Develop independence by staying away from home. (Building towards longer trips such as Bowles and secondary trips.) NC 2014: Use fieldwork to observe, measure, record and present the human and physical features in the local area using a range of methods, including sketch maps, plans and graphs, and digital technologies.
Itford Farm, Beddingham, Lewes, East Sussex, BN8 6JS Where is it? Itford Farm, Beddingham, Lewes, East Sussex, BN8 6JS
What is the accommodation like? Children will be asked for their choices of roommates and then will be put into their rooms. Adults have rooms within the blocks.
What is the food like? Great! (Please let us know if your child has any dietary requirements at the end of the meeting.) Meat option: Chilli Con Carne Vegetarian option: Cheese & Tomato pizza Alternative option: Jacket potato and fillings Apple Crumble and custard / fruit salad
Any worries? Visit the Youth Hostel for a cup of tea and a slice of cake during the Easter break.
What to bring: Thin layers so they are prepared for any weather. A waterproof jacket - lightweight and easy to move in. (If you have waterproof trousers put these in as well.) Old long trousers tracksuit type trousers are perfect. T shirts – long/short sleeved. A fleece or jumper. A change of underwear. Wellies - if it looks like being really wet. Trainers. Towel and wash bag with everything in it (soap, flannel, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste). Pyjamas or nightie. A book to read. A pack of cards or travel game. Sun cream and sun hat.
What not to bring: Extra food – the children (and staff) get very well fed! Electronic games e.g. PSP/DS – they won’t have time to be used and may get lost. Mobile phones – if these are found they will be taken away and returned at the end of the trip. We really want to encourage the children to be independent. Pocket money – it won’t be spent. Best clothes/trainers etc. If it’s wet, they will come back muddy!
Emergency Contacts: Medical details: Your first point of contact is the school office. 01273 473016. The Youth Hostel can be contacted on 0845 371 9574. Out of school hours, and in the case of extreme emergency only, we can be contacted day or night on 07594 342653. Medical details: Please fill out consent forms fully so we have all contact details. We will take these with us. Please discuss any medical needs with Mrs Warren.