Agenda Voice Lesson: Figurative Language #4 D.L. Group #7 – Chaps. 41-47 ATSS, Quiz, Part 3 Independent Reading Time
Reminders Vocabulary Quiz Unit 9 – Friday, 11/4 Finish novel by Wednesday. Final Discussion Leader Group will facilitate Wednesday. Product Proposal – I will start reviewing these today and tomorrow. Idea Sheet 2.0 – I have read and responded to all who have submitted as of midnight last night. Remember, that if you hadn’t received feedback before the 2.0 – you were required to submit the 2.0 version. Some of you will have a zero later this week because you have not shared 2.0. Some of you will keep the grade you had prior to 2.0. If you had an 18, 19, or 20 before the 2.0 version, your grade stayed and you did NOT have to submit a 2.0 If you received an 18, 19, or 20 on the 2.0 version, then that grade will be entered.
Research Paper/Product Once IDEA SHEET has been approved, you should begin writing your research paper. Use the C-E-I format for your body paragraphs. I will post a detailed outline (which is NOT longer a grade) format. Tomorrow – laptop time to work on writing paper, revising IDEA sheet (if you are still in this phase). Product – once approved, you should move forward with working on it as well. We will have a laptop day next Monday (11/7) to work on projects. Research Paper Due Date – 11/10 (Thursday) by 11:59 PM via (info on the class signup will come next week) Research Product Due Date – 11/14 (Monday)
Voice Lesson: Figurative Language #4
Voice Lesson: Figurative Language #4 In the midst of poverty and want, Felix carried with pleasure to his sister the first little white flower that peeped out from beneath the snowy ground. -- Mary Shelley, Frankenstein What do you understand about Felix from the imagery of this sentence? How would the effect be different if Felix carried his sister a big bouquet of spring flowers? The imagery of this sentence shows Felix to be generous and loving. He is poor (In the midst of poverty and want), so any gift he gives is a gift from the heart. He carries the flower with pleasure, which indicates a generous nature. Further, his gift is the FIRST little white flower that peeped out from beneath the snowy ground. This demonstrates his eagerness to give his sister something. The mood created by the image would be completely different if Felix carried his sister a big bouquet of spring flowers. It would be an expression of abundance rather than a small expression of hope and an indication of generosity in the midst of poverty.
ATSS Discussion Leader Group #7 – Chaps. 41-47 Quiz, Part 3 Independent Reading Time – finish the novel -