-Make history using YOUR story- Fund Cancer Research
ACS CAN Speaker- Name& Title American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network Hello I am _____________________ and I am excited to be here today, as a fellow Relayer, to talk about what a difference your story can make in the fight against cancer through the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN). Actually, what I want you to remember from today is that not only can your story make a difference it can make HISTORY!
We have all been touched by cancer and therefore, we are all ONE DEGREE from the disease. Your ONE DEGREE might be your mom, dad, sister, brother, best friend… or even YOU. Yes, we have all been touched by cancer and it can be heartbreaking BUT it can also fuel our passion to FIGHT BACK.
I became passionate about ACS CAN because of my ONE DEGREE…(briefly share your story. Why is fighting cancer important to you? Why do you advocate on behalf of cancer patients across the country? What fuels your fire for this fight?)
Before I explain exactly how you can join this movement and make history I want to share one more story. The Lock family knows what it means to fight cancer and they have used that fight to fuel their passion through Advocacy.
Ian & kay Lock video Show video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rWxFefzOEo&feature=youtu.be Like, Kay said, a cancer diagnosis changes everything but Ian reminds us that we all have a way to share that story and make an impact which is why we are all here today. Ian & kay Lock video
Before I go much further I want to make sure that everyone here today knows exactly how ACS CAN impacts our mission to fight cancer. ACS CAN is the nation’s leading cancer advocacy organization. We are working every day to make cancer issues a national priority. Many of the most important decisions about cancer are made outside of your doctor’s office. They are made at city hall, by our state legislature, in Congress and in the White House.
Earlier I shared my One DEGREE story, we all saw the Lock family’s story, but more importantly I know each of you has a story. ACS CAN helps us share that story with lawmakers because we are all just One Degree from someone with cancer. Our stories, or our ‘One Degrees’, are about us, our loved ones, our relatives, our friends, and our co-workers. These stories are just one reason why fighting for cancer research funding at the federal level is one of ACS CAN's major priorities. As the leading funder of cancer research, the federal government spends billions on cancer research every year, but since 2003 funding levels have been on the decline. Funding levels have dropped by 20% when you consider medical inflation. It's time we change those statistics, and you can help! You can help not just by making a difference but by making history! Do you want to be part of changing the future of cancer research in this country? Do you want to help get treatments off the shelf and into the hands of patients? Do you want to fight back for your One Degree? Do you want to be able to tell your grandchildren that people were dying and you stood up and made history?
$1 Billion Dollars over two years for research at the National Cancer Institute -ACS CAN’S ASK- There is perhaps no better way for Congress to demonstrate support for the fight against cancer than by funding that fight. Each dollar Congress cuts from the National Institutes of Health and the National Cancer Institute budgets puts us one step further away from offering hope to those who make up our stories and ignite our passion.
I am encouraging all Relayers here today to join me as an ACS CAN member, because membership empowers us as regular people to be part of the growing national movement that is fighting back against cancer. Together we are able to hold lawmakers accountable for their words and their actions. Talk about making a difference! Together we can make history! Stand up if you want to look back at this moment and know that you were part of changing the world? Stand up if you want to join ACS CAN in memory or in honor of YOUR One DEGREE… Stand up if you want to help us end cancer as we know it. ( pause to allow people to stand. Encourage folks to stand up. Give them a round of applause )
Premium Membership Gift - $20 Thank you for standing up today to make history! It is only $10.00 to join ACS CAN. But, if you join at a premium level for $20 you will receive this charm key ring. The megaphone charm will be a constant reminder of how you made your voice heard to help save lives and make history through cancer research funding.
Another great reason to join or renew today is that your membership will be counted towards your team and event level recognition. If our event recruits just 40 ACS CAN members we will join an exclusive club called ACS CAN Club and if your team recruits 10 members they are part of the ACS CAN Club as well.
Ok, you can sit down now. We are going to pause for a moment to let you get signed up. Now is the time to pick up your pens, fill out your membership form and raise them up in the air so volunteers can come around and collect them. We will tally them and report back so you know how many voices were added to the fight today! DO: (PLAY MUSIC to get things started. Play music FOR AT LEAST 3 minutes for everyone to complete and turn in member forms. Make random announcements of your membership #’s as they are turned in. Set a goal of memberships and petitions if you want and do a countdown to your goal. When submissions have slowed down, start script again.) Do : Tweak logistics of final ask as needed for your event DO: Get Final counts for memberships.
THANK YOU I am THRILLED to announce that we have recruited _________ACS CAN members tonight. Thank you for your support of ACS CAN today and thank you in advance for help us make history with your stories.