2017-2018 Registration
Principal—Mr. Curt Landry Asst. Principal—Mrs. Alice Viator Administration Principal—Mr. Curt Landry Asst. Principal—Mrs. Alice Viator Asst. Principal—Mr. Robert Schlicher Asst. Principal- Mr. James Picheloup Adm. Assistant – Mr. Frankie Palermo
School Performance Score 2015 2016 73.6 C 85.4 B
School performance score 2017 ? Today
Freshmen —Mrs. Ferri Fontenot Sophomores — Mr. Brad Clark Counselors Freshmen —Mrs. Ferri Fontenot Sophomores — Mr. Brad Clark Juniors —Mrs. Ashlie Gray Seniors —Mr. David Moore
Graduation TOPS University Jump Start One Diploma, many roads Graduation TOPS University Jump Start
TOPS University Post Secondary Plans: Straight to a 4-year university Credits Needed to Graduate: 24 Credits 4 English 4 Math Must take Advanced Math 4 Science 4 Social Studies 2 Foreign Language 1 Art 2 PE/Health 3 Electives
Jump Start Post Secondary Plans: Straight to work, technical school, or community college Credits Needed to Graduate: 23 Credits 4 English 4 Math 2 Science 2 Social Studies 2 PE/Health 9 Jump Start Electives
Why Jump Start? Jumpstart was created as an effort to produce more industry-ready students. Despite the TOPS scholarship opportunity, a large percentage of students attend two year colleges or technical schools. Jumpstart’s Career Option was designed to better ready that percentage of students for lucrative careers as industry professionals.
Form ONE coordinated system that combines high school coursework, the requirements of technical college, AND the needs of industry employers. Connect students high school experiences to the real-world. Students can leave high school with credentials that lead to academic AND/OR career success.
How to Choose? If you struggled through Algebra I (D or Below OR a FAIR on the EOC), you may not want to take Geometry or Algebra II. With Jump Start, you don’t have to. You can still graduate with the same diploma but by choosing a different route. If your GPA is below a 2.5 and you can’t qualify for TOPS scholarship OR you are planning to attend a school like SLCC first and then transfer to a four-year (Or NOT), Jump Start is for you. If you want to earn introductory credentials for jobs before leaving high school, Jump Start is for you.
If you want to go to a four-year university immediately after high school, TOPS University is designed to get you there with courses like Algebra II, Advanced Math, English III, Chemistry, and English IV. If your GPA is higher than a 2.5 and you have strong test scores, TOPS University is for you.
Current Freshmen – Auditorium Current Sophomores – Cafeteria Class Meetings Current Freshmen – Auditorium Current Sophomores – Cafeteria Current Juniors – Girls’ Gym