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Check out our website at A view from the bridge… Sports Chaplaincy Warren - view from the bridge • Dates – training CPD , Induction, resources, website • Training - Safeguarding, Mental Health Awareness, Active Listening, Bereavement • Conference 2017 Manchester 3/4th Oct 2nd Induction. • Carols feedback still partnering with Hope etc • Prayer Days 22rd March 20th September • Inspire, New Wales brochure, dvd • VIP Sundays Share the celebration dvd 7min Check out our website at Registered Charity

Check out our website at Celebration 25 years Check out our website at Registered Charity

Winter Regional Training The damaging effects of an addiction: Porn Check out our website at Registered Charity

Check out our website at Insert Video Check out our website at Registered Charity

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Check out our website at The dream… VIP VIP Sunday Sports Chaplaincy UK is a Christian organisation and we have a Dream: To see an expression of Gods love and compassion in every community called sport. We are what we say we are – a little bit like Ronseal – we do what it says on the tin – we are servant hearted. To see this dream become a reality – we ALL need to play our part: Sports Chaplaincy UK are committed to initiating, nurturing, supporting & resourcing high quality Christin sports chaplains but we can’t do it on our own and we believe that Church is Gods plan A and we need you to play your part to see this dream come to pass. Check out our website at Registered Charity

Sports Chaplaincy: CEO Sports Chaplaincy: CEO Hello, my name is Warren Evans and I have the privilege of working with some wonderful leaders across our Home Nations. Video clip Sports Chaplaincy: CEO Registered Charity

Working in all the Home Nations There are around 400 chaplains We are 25 years old Working in all the Home Nations There are around 400 chaplains We have trained 300+ in 36 months We work with NGB’s and sports clubs Where we’ve been and where we’re we are going is driven by the dream God has given us! We have gain credibility thro working with elites teams and National governing bodies. BUT we believe Jesus is interested with the marginalized in society Sport is spiritually marginalized and 2 key area’s in sport that are marginalised are: All ability and Disability sport Women’s Sports Football, Rugby Union, Rugby League, Horseracing, Athletics, Cricket, Boxing, Basketball, Ice Hockey, Speedway, Stock Car Racing, Judo, Golf, Paralympics, Olympics, Commonwealth Games, Snooker, Kayaking, Surfing Registered Charity

Check out our website at The Chaplain’s Role “To provide holistic spiritual and pastoral care, by permission, all towards the well-being of people in sport” Poss 2 min dvd – look to reduce to 1 min with quotes plus bible reading – Matt 9:37 Check out our website at Registered Charity

Check out our website at What do you see? We have a – prophetic window of opportunity – WHAT DO YOU SEE? Child in need – spiritually, ethically and morally we have a responsibility to meet that need – AND we meet that need because we are move by COMPASSION and rightly so! What do you see?! An athlete – fit, healthy and wealthy – In 1Samuel16:7 “…For the LORD sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart”. As Gods people we are called to look with his eyes of compassion – 2Kings6 A moment of revelation will change our perspective forever! AND then only when we see with Gods eyes are we compelled to respond differently! 3. What do I see?… I see an individual a community who are spiritually malnutrition, thirsty for truth and destined for??? Question: Are we the same as the world or are we to be culturally different and do we see with Gods eyes? One moment of revelation will move us to respond in a totally different way. How we see - will dramatically impact and change our response to a situation, which will determine our our acts of kindness and compassion. A moment of seeing beyond the natural can be all we need to take us into a place of peace, hope and victory. Check out our website at Registered Charity

Check out our website at Community called Sport No of Clubs: Average Attendance: Size of community: 151,000 80+ adults, 90+ children Let me explain… and see your eye’s open with regards this community – physical and spiritually 25 million Check out our website at

Check out our website at Community called Church No of Churches: Average Attendance: Size of community: 52,000 80 people in total 4 million Check out our website at

Check out our website at SIX to TEN times BIGGER CHURCH – Missio Dei God sent his son, the Son sent the Spirit and the Spirit SEND US! We can’t afford to reject a community that is SIX to TEN times bigger than your own purely because they may meet at similar time to us. I believe Jesus asked us to GO!. Let me give you some food for thought Young people and sport – if you ask them to choose between God and sport and they choose sport you’ve inexplicitly said God has rejected them. When they have question and vulnerable (The age girls 12/13 & boys 14/15 stop playing sport) the most challenging times in their adolescent life - do you think there going to come running back to a church that rejected them? Some interesting pointers – when a club wins pregnancy rates go up When a club looses – domestic violence goes up Sport impacts our community and if we can impact our sports community - we can impact wider community and nation. BE INTENSIONAL!! Parents: Small things done consistently creates massive change – Zig Ziglar May be you can pray for your kids club May be if you are on the touch line in stead of responding - you ask God, wherever you are at work let me join in The authority on the pitch is the ref but if parents berate the ref they are subconsciously saying to their kids that authority stuff in the bible like respect your mum and dad etc doesn’t matter Who are in these communities? Fatherless, orphans, widows and the broken are in this community called sport and we have a responsibility to GO and meet it them. The BIGGEST issue in the Western World Fatherlessness – We the CHURCH has a responsibility! The fields are white unto harvest Check out our website at

Check out our website at What the future holds Prophetic Warning: URGENCY of thee movement Joseph interprets Pharaohs dream – 7 good years 7 challenging years We are in a season of good, governing bodies and clubs are asking a Christian organisation to serve them but for how much longer before secularism and humanism, political correctness will force or crowd us out.!!! Check out our website at Registered Charity

The ASK Join us on the journey Partnering – BE INTENTIONAL Volunteer Invest Pray Join us on the journey if you dare – you are a VIP, a Very Important Person – God has chosen you to be on his team. You are Valued, Indispensable (you, church are plan A) and Precious. Volunteer – consider engaging with you local community called sport, you may have IT, Social media, Be a CHAMPION for SCUK and help us help others Invest – We want people to sow with us and share in both the responsibility and harvest Pray – We want you to PRAY for your local community called sport, Sports Chaplaincy UK and our team of chaplains PLAY your part and get involved! Christ volunteered to take your place because he values you, he invests in you, because he wants you to be involved and make a difference, he prays and intercedes for you The NEED is GREAT! As we seek to grow and meet the demand – to over a1000 Sports Chaplains engaged over the next 5 years Over the next 10 years our aim is to partner with churches to see 1,000,000 followers of Jesus intentionally engage in their community called Sport . The fields are white unto harvest Check out our website at Registered Charity

Check out our website at What do you see? Thank you for your time and we hope you join us on the journey, making a difference WHAT DO YOU SEE? Question: Are we the same as the world or are we culturally different? One moment of revelation will move me, you, us to respond in a totally different way! What we see, will dramatically change our reactions a moment of seeing beyond the natural could be all we need to take us into a new place of fulfilment – See with Gods eyes and be MOVED with COMPASSION! Check out our website at Registered Charity