Can we end aging? 林詩茵 邱淑敏 王雅佳 袁樂宜
What is aging? is a normal developmental factor and a continuous lifelong process that begins at birth and ends in death. In humans, aging represents the accumulation of changes in a human being over time, encompassing physical, psychological, and social change.
“The theories of aging?” Chronological aging Biological aging Psychological aging Social aging
Aubrey de Grey English author and biomedical gerontologist. Chief Science Officer of the SENS Research Foundation. He works to identify and promote specific technological approaches to the reversal of various aspects of aging.
SENS Research Foundation SENS = Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence A US-registered charity that works to develop, promote and enable widespread access to regenerated medicine solution to the disabilities and diseases of aging.
SRF Education SRF Education is trying to make the field of regenerative medicine comprehensible to everyone. They offers a number of different options for student research.
Aging cause problems Costs Family members National Family Suffering Tragedy
20 years ago 8.8 adults ↓ 1 elderly
NOW 5.6 adults ↓ 1 elderly
10 more years 3.2 adults ↓ 1 elderly
Aubrey de Grey: What if we can end aging? A car designed for only 15 years can last for 100 years Why we cannot? Human body is a machine
How aging makes us sick?
Metabolism Damage Pathology
Then How?
Damages Junk (inside/outside) Number of cells (too few/many) Mutations Protein crosslinks
Robust Human Rejuvenation Damage rising with age Method Cell loss, cell atrophy Cell therapy Extracellular junk Phagocytosis by immune stimulation Extracellular crosslinks AGE-breaking molecules/enzymes Death-resistant cells Suicide genes, immune stimulation Mitochondrial mutations Allotopic expression of 13 proteins Intracellular junk Transgenic microbial hydrolases Nuclear [epi] mutations (cancer related matters) Telomerase/ALT gene deletion plus periodic stem cell reseeding
Telomerase therapy
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