Lord of the flies chap 7: shadows and tall trees
summary Ralph wishes to cut hair, clip nails, get cleaned up Throwback-in England-stares at ocean-think how big it is-how it separates the boys from civilisation Simon-read Ralph's mind-reassures ralph Boys-find signs of pig Ralph-agrees-as long as in the right direction-can hunt Come upon-wild boar-gets away-not before ralph hits it with a spear
summary Ralph-the hunt-with a bigun named Robert All the boys are involved-chanting-seems like they might actually kill Robert Boys stop-discuss-dance properly Maurice suggests-drum and fire Robert-use real pig next time-really kill it Jack-use littlun-boys laugh Becomes dark-reach mountain
summary Ralph-need someone to tell piggy-won’t be back-everyone-frightened- volunteer-simon Jack mocks Ralph's concern-piggy Ralph asks jack why-hates piggy-question makes-boys nervous Base-mountain-boys stop for the night Jack questions Ralph's courage Ralph-it’s foolish to go up in the dark
summary Jack insists-going ahead-ralph and roger wait behind Jack-saw something Three boys-climb the mountain-peak Wind blows-parachutist sits up-boys run
significance Jack, ralph and roger see the parachutist in the dark. They think it is a beast.
characters Ralph~emphasise on cleanliness ~positive-minded ~caring JACK~cruel ~selfish ~loves to challenge others
Characters Simon~sensible ~brave ~aware
theme The conflict between savagery and civilisation -here jack and his savagery prevail
settings Mountain jungle