Ian Collier ian.collier@stfc.ac.uk STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory GDB Introduction Ian Collier ian.collier@stfc.ac.uk STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory GDB, July 12th 2017
Ian Collier, GDB Introduction Meeting details Summaries prepared by team of volunteers Today: … Will be available at https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/LCG/WLCGGDBDocs Vidyo & mailing list monitoring I am unlikely to check email during the day– please use the list. Can someone in the room monitor that and Vidyo chat? Ian Collier, GDB Introduction
Ian Collier, GDB Introduction Today: Main topics HNSciCloud Update Proposal for Authorization Working Group Report from Databases Workshop Container Technologies pre-GDB report Manchester WLCG Workshop follow up Next WLCG Workshop Ian Collier, GDB Introduction
Ian Collier, GDB Introduction Upcoming GDBs August – no GDB due to vacations September – pre-GDB - Storage October pre-GDB open November pre-GDB – Authorization WG Looking forward to March 2018 we have been invited to co-locate with ISGC again Let me know if you have topics to bring to the GDB Ian Collier, GDB Introduction
Ian Collier, GDB Introduction Upcoming Meetings 3rd Asia Tier Center Forum, 11th – 13th October 2017, KISTI, Korea HEPiX Fall, 16th–20th October 2017, KEK, Japan LHCOPN-LHCONE meeting will be co-located CernVM Users Workshop, 30th January – 1st February 2018, CERN https://indico.cern.ch/event/608592/ ISGC 2018, 18th – 23rd March 2018, Taipei Spring 2018 WLCG Workshop, provisionally 23rd – 25th April 2018 HSF Workshop, provisionally 25th – 27th April 2018 HEPiX Spring 2018, May 14th – 18th, Madison, WI, USA CHEP 2018, 9th – 13th July, Sofia, Bulgaria http://chep2018.org HEPiX Fall 2018, 8th – 12th October, PIC, Barcelona, Spain Anything I’ve missed, let me know & I’ll add it to the slides. Ian Collier, GDB Introduction
Ian Collier, GDB Introduction
Ian Collier, GDB Introduction Questions? Ian Collier, GDB Introduction