Welcome Planners and equipment out please. Do not talk over the teacher. Raise your hand to talk.
Ingredients for Fruit Salad 1 Apple 1 Kiwi 1 Orange Small carton of juice Container to take fruit salad home
Fruit X rays
Fruit X rays
Fruit X rays
Fruit X rays
Fruit X rays
Fruit X rays
Fruit X rays
Fruit X rays
Answers Pineapple Kiwi Banana Apple Watermelon Pomegranate Star fruit
Star Challenge To be able to write a process for a fruit salad. To know the health and safety points during the making of a fruit salad. To be able to write a detailed process for a fruit salad. To be able to write a detailed process for a fruit salad including a justification of hygiene and safety points.
What has happened to this apple? Oxidisation Enzymatic Browning Enzymatic browning is a chemical process which occurs in fruits and vegetables. When the fruit it cut open, the enzyme phenolase in the fruit reacts with the oxygen causing it to turn the flesh brown. Enzymatic browning can be observed in fruits (apricots, pears, bananas, grapes), vegetables (potatoes, mushrooms, lettuce) and also in seafood (shrimps, spiny lobsters and crabs).
Fruit Salad Demo Bridge Claw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HY_ygiwVlCM Claw Bridge
Time Plan for fruit salad Remember your star challenge! Equipment Ingredients Time Method Special hygiene or safety points. Finished? Grab a star challenge extension task.
Design your fruit salad. Sketch in pencil. Detailed annotations in pen. What fruit are you using? What juice? How will it be presented? Will you cut any fruit into shapes? Finished? Grab a star challenge extension task.
Don’t forget your fruit salad ingredients!
Plenary What interesting fruits have you included in your fruit salad design? Star challenge extension tasks!
Welcome Planners and equipment out please. Do not talk over the teacher. Raise your hand to talk. Remember your station?
Practical Expectations Work safely and hygienically! When I need your attention, stop what you are doing immediately and listen. Respect the kitchen and all the equipment in it. All washing up must be done in hot soapy water using the scrubbers. You must thoroughly wipe down your area with a clean cloth. Leave your sink spotless – NO food In the plug holes! Failure to meet my expectations will result in no practical work.
Learning Objectives – To able to make a fruit salad safely and hygienically Demonstrated basic hygiene and safety in the practical. □ Produced a basic fruit salad. □ Left your work station clean and tidy with the correct equipment. □ Demonstrated good hygiene and safety in the practical. □ Produced a well presented, mostly neatly cut fruit salad. □ Left your work station clean and tidy with the correct equipment and began an evaluation. □ Demonstrated excellent hygiene and safety in the practical. □ Produced a well presented, neatly cut fruit salad. □ Left your work station clean and tidy with the correct equipment and completed an evaluation. □
Welcome Follow the instructions: Aprons on, hair tied back, wash hands etc. Gather your ingredients at your work station. Stand and wait for my next instructions. You have 3 minutes to do this. GO!
Remember! Claw Bridge
Bridge Fruit Salad Method. Claw Prepare your self and the equipment for the practical. Wash the fruit. Using the bridge and claw to chop the fruit. Present in a container and cover with fruit juice. Tidy away your station and take an extension task! Write an evaluation. Bridge
Star challenge Extension task! REMEMBER! Only move up a star if you have successfully completed the one before! Finished? Grab a star challenge!!
Writing your evaluation Points to consider: Hygiene and safety Bridge and claw technique. Did you complete work on time? Did you leave your station clean and tidy? The finished appearance of your fruit salad? WWW? EBI?