The Reality of Digital Drama


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Presentation transcript:

The Reality of Digital Drama Digital Citizenship

What is “drama?” What does drama mean to you? Sample responses: ‡ A type of fighting, or a tiff, that happens between friends or groups of friends ‡ Gossip or rumors, breakups or falling outs ‡ Jealousy, or people excluding one another on purpose ‡ Making comments about people online without actually using their names DISCUSS the double meaning of the word drama. In the context of theater, drama refers to a play or performance. In a social context, drama often refers to an emotional conflict between or among people. ENCOURAGE students to describe how “online drama” fits both of these definitions. (Guide them to consider that online drama is displayed, or performed, for an audience of peers online. For example, someone may initiate a fight on a friend’s Facebook wall, knowing that other people will see the comments and possibly get involved.)

Drama vs. Drama Theater Drama: referring to a play or performance. Online Drama: displayed or performed for an audience of online peers. Do you feel that people enjoy online drama? Why or why not?

Dissecting Drama Video: “Discussing Digital Drama” TELL students that they are going to watch a video of middle school children having an open discussion about digital drama, and whether girls and boys experience it differently. DEFINE the Key Vocabulary term generalization. generalization: an assumption made about a whole group of people based upon your experiences with a few

“Discussing Digital Drama” Did you notice any generalizations about girls in this video? If so, what were they? Did you notice any generalizations about boys in this video? What do you think about these generalizations? Are they true or you and your friends? Are they true for some, or all, teens? Sample video quotes: ‡“Girls are more sensitive in how they look and how they act because they want to be popular.” ‡“Girls are, like, so sensitive about everything.” ‡“Girls, I find, are the drama queens.” Sample video quotes: ‡“Guys can be dragged into drama.” ‡“They aren’t usually the ones that start it.” ‡“They can’t talk as openly with each other as girls do, offline.” Encourage students to recognize that while these generalizations may apply to some teens, they don’t apply to all — that’s what makes them generalizations.

The (Un)Reality of Reality TV Drama Do you watch reality television shows? If so, do the shows ever feature drama? How “real” do you think reality TV drama actually is? Can you think of examples from your own lives where you and your friends have dealt with conflict in nondramatic ways? Do you think those stories would be a “hit” on a reality TV show? Why or why not? Encourage students to probe deeper by asking them whether their favorite reality TV shows might be scripted to encourage drama, or edited to make their cast members seem more dramatic. Guide students to recognize that drama is often considered entertaining, so these shows are less likely to depict quick and positive resolutions to conflicts.

Show what you Know… Which of the following is an example of a generalization? One of my friends is on the football team. All boys like to play football. Few women have ever played football professionally.

Show what you Know… True or false: A lot of drama on reality TV is “real” (not acted or edited). True False Explain how you know…

Show what you Know… All of the following statements are true about both online drama and reality TV drama EXCEPT for: People “perform” or engage in drama with an audience in mind. The drama is often edited or scripted before people see it Many people’s ideas about drama are based on stereotypes about girls & boys

The Facts: