“NoTroTam” - A tool to measure and evaluate collaboration between Municipality and University?
Background and intention Nordic Knowledge Cities- Network 2003-2015 Why Indicators? Intentions with ”NoTroTam”? How? Structure: Themes, Categories, Perspectives
Structure of ”NoTroTam” Themes: General structure for collaboration City and Student life Innovation, entrepreneurship and economic development Academic City and Civic University
Structure of ”NoTroTam” Categories: Vision and strategy Implementation Activities Evaluation
Structure of ”NoTroTam” Perspectives: Resources Visibility Internalisation Positioning
Charts Spider charts are used to highlight outliers and commonality between observations Findings are analysed both locally and in NoTroTam-network for conclusions and policy recommendations Each spoke represent one variable All variables are on the same scale: 1=insufficient --- 4=excellent (0=inapplicable)
Results and Conclusions You will have more information if you come to our seminare on Thursday ”NoTroTam”