Opportunities in Italy and Europe M E D I C A L G E O L O G Y : Opportunities in Italy and Europe
Opportunities in Italy and Europe 1 - Baseline geochemical studies FOREGS Geochemistry Program Atlante Geochimico-Ambientale - Campania and other regions 2 - Possible geochemical anomalies that correlate with epidemiologically related unusual disease incidence. . 3 - Volcanic smog = VOG volcano or fumarole-produced vapors, gases, and aerosols.
FOREGS Geochemical Mapping Program involves 26 European countries FOREGS sample protocol involves Water - Humus - Top and sub-soils and Floodplain stream sediments From Plant et al., 2005
Geochemical image showing the distribution of As in water prepared by the FOREGS Geochemistry Program.
Geochemical image showing the distribution of Se in water prepared by the FOREGS Geochemistry Program.
Geochemical image showing the distribution of Ni in topsoil prepared by the FOREGS Geochemistry Program.
Hg Campania Geochemical Baseline Study Anomaly Values Distribution Stream sediment De Vivo et al.,2003
Hg Campania Geochemical Baseline Study Geochemical Risk Map Stream sediment De Vivo et al.,2003
Possible geochemical anomalies that correlate with epidemiologically-related unusual disease incidence.
VOG volcanic smog Dense vog as seen from Hilo Bay, Hawai’i
VOG = volcanic smog Vog is a mixture that includes gases but is predominately aerosols (tiny particles and droplets) formed when volcanic gas reacts with moisture, oxygen, and sunlight. High SO2 concentrations in volcanic or fumarole emissions creates a particularly hazardous type of vog that can profoundly affect people with chronic asthma, small children, or individuals with respiratory impairments or circulatory problems. With regard to volcanic risk, a population exposed to vog may have more cumulative risk than from an acute volcanic hazard = eruption. What are the risks for VOG related to the Italian volcano and fumarole areas??