MECHATRONICS Technologies and developed products will be incorporating electronics more and more into mechanisms, intimately and organically, and making it impossible to tell where one ends and the other begins.
DEFINITION Mechatronics is the synergistic integration of sensors, actuators, signal conditioning, power electronics, decision and control algorithms, and computer hardware and software to manage complexity, uncertainty, and communication in engineered systems. Field of study involving the analysis, design, synthesis, and selection of systems that combine electronics and mechanical components with modern controls and microprocessors.
Disciplinary Foundations Multi-disciplinary: This is an additive process of brining multiple disciplines together to bear on a problem. Cross-disciplinary: In this process, one discipline is examined from the perspective of another discipline. Inter-disciplinary: This is an integrative process involving two or more disciplines simultaneously to bear on a problem.
Mechatronics Design Process Modeling and simulation Recognition of need Conceptual design Mathematical modeling Sensors and actuator Development of detailed model Control system design optimization Prototyping Hardware design and simulation Design optimization Deployment Deployment of software Manufacturers and testing lifecycle
Objective of Mechatronics Integration of mechanical systems with electrical electronic and computer systems. To improve efficiency of the system. To reduce cost of production. To achieve high accuracy and precision. For easy control of the system. Customer satisfaction and comfort.
Advantages of Mechatronics System High level of integration. Increased functionality and better design. More use of electronics and software. Use of artificial intelligence and intelligent process control Assume responsibility for a process and operation with little interference of operators. Multisensory and programs environments. High reliability and safety. Improved and less expensive control.
Disadvantages of Mechatronics System The initial cost is very high. The complicated design and system. The repair and maintenance in complex. Its replacement is difficult, that it is difficult to change old system to new system.
APPLICATION OF MECHATRONICS HOME Washing Machine Automatic camera BUSINESS Xerox/Copy Machine Barcode reader INDUSTRIAL Conveyors / Automation Control. Automobiles – ABS Car engine managements.
Mechatronics Applications Smart consumer products: home security, camera, microwave oven, toaster, dish washer, laundry washer-dryer, climate control units, etc. Medical: implant-devices, assisted surgery, haptic, etc. Defense: unmanned air, ground, and underwater vehicles, smart munitions, jet engines, etc. Manufacturing: robotics, machines, processes, etc. Automotive: climate control, antilock brake, active suspension, cruise control, air bags, engine management, safety, etc. Network-centric, distributed systems: distributed robotics, tele robotics, intelligent highways, etc.
Examples of Mechatronic Systems First Level Mechatronics System
Second Level Mechatronics System Operate a Power Machine Tools
Third Level Mechatronics System
Third Level Mechatronics System
SENSORS & TRANSDUCER Transducer a device that converts a primary form of energy into a corresponding signal with a different energy form Primary Energy Forms: mechanical, thermal, electromagnetic, optical, chemical, etc. take form of a sensor or an actuator Sensor (e.g., thermometer) a device that detects/measures a signal or stimulus acquires information from the “real world” Actuator (e.g., heater) a device that generates a signal or stimulus real world sensor intelligent feedback system actuator
Sensor Systems Typically interested in electronic sensor convert desired parameter into electrically measurable signal General Electronic Sensor primary transducer: changes “real world” parameter into electrical signal secondary transducer: converts electrical signal into analog or digital values Typical Electronic Sensor System real world usable values analog signal primary transducer secondary transducer sensor input signal (measurand) microcontroller signal processing communication sensor sensor data analog/digital network display
Sensor Classification Passive Doesn’t need any additional energy source Directly generate an electric signal in response to an external stimuli E.g. Thermocouple, photodiode, Piezoelectric sensor Active Require external power called excitation signal Sensor modify excitation signal to provide output E.g. thermistor, resistive strain gauge 16
Static Characteristics 1.Accuracy – Proximity of the measured value to the true value. It is expressed as a percentage of the full range output or full-scale deflection. 2.Precision or Repeatability – Ability of the instrument to give the same output for repeated applications of the same input value. 3.Sensitivity – Ratio of incremental change in output to the incremental change in input. 4.Threshold – Minimum input signal required by the instrument to start functioning from its initial position.
Static Characteristics 5.Resolution – Smallest increment that can be measured in any range of the sensor. 6.Hysteresis – A sensor can give different outputs for the same value of quantity being measured depending on whether that value is reached by a continuously increasing or decreasing change. 7.Hysteresis error - Maximum difference in the input or output for the increasing and decreasing input value. 8.Dead Band or Dead space – Range of the input value for which there is no output.
Static Characteristics 9. Drift - Change in output that occurs over a time. It may be expressed as a percentage of full range output. The term ‘zero drift’ is used for the changes that occur in the output when there is zero input. 10.Error – Difference between the actual results of the measurement and the time value of the quantity being measured. Systemic error may arise due to calibration errors Calibrating error, computing error, procedure errors Random errors are due to ambient change, loading error. It analyzed through statistical error analysis.