Dinosaurs & ECO Week Nursery Week 2


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Presentation transcript:

Dinosaurs & ECO Week Nursery Week 2 Communication & Language Literacy With the rest of the school we will be taking part in the ‘Spring Clean ‘ around school. We will be thinking about looking after our environment and our world. We will be learning about endangered species and what will happen to them if we don’t look after our world. Mathematics Some children will be continuing to learn their numbers to 10 with Ten Town, this week it is Eric Eight. The children will be sorting dinosaurs according to size, shape and colour. Some children will be ordering dinosaurs according to height. Personal, Social, Emotional Development Our SEAL topic is – Good to Be Me. The theme is about understanding our feelings as well as considering our strengths and weaknesses as learners. It aims to develop knowledge, understanding and skills in three key social and emotional aspects of learning: self-awareness, managing feelings and empathy. We will talk about the things that we are really good at which will make us feel proud of ourselves. This week we are thinking about ‘what makes us excited’ Dinosaurs & ECO Week Nursery Week 2 Physical Development We will continue to do our finger and upper body exercises in dough gym. In PE This week we will be building a dinosaur swamp outside ( weather permitting) and an obstacle course around and over it. On our fine motor table we will be using our hands to twist objects building up the strength in our wrists. Phonics In phonics some children will be playing lots of listening games and the older children will be learning all about the letter ‘g’, what sound it makes and objects that begin with that sound. Expressive Arts and Design Our role play will be our dinosaur world where the children can play together, listening to each others ideas and making up stories. On the creative table children will practice their cutting skills as they cut out dinosaurs and order them according to size or height. UW - Technology The children will play number games on the interactive Board and on the computers paint pictures of dinosaurs Mrs C Mayne