2nd semester nursing workshop 14 August 2017 Anthea Newport Student Learning Services
Today’s session HLBN522: Community assessment - Tips for delivering presentations Referencing visual media (you will need to do this for your HLBN522 presentations and any time you use images, figures or tables in an assignment)
In pairs conduct a community assessment using the framework provided. HLBN522: Community assessment: Presentation (pairs) - 30% Due in week beginning 4 September in tutorial. Total of 10 slides. In pairs conduct a community assessment using the framework provided. Present a summary of your findings in eight power point slides to your tutorial group (10 minutes). (Slide 1: Title; Slides 2-8: Summary) Conclude with (slide 9) the strengths and current and potential needs of the community based on your combined observations and supported by other relevant data, eg Hamilton City Council profiles. Include recent New Zealand research or literature (eg textbook) to support your findings and conclusions. Slide ten will be your references in APA formatting.
Similarities between an essay and a presentation Both are based on information Both generally present information as themes or ideas (we don’t just list points and leave it up to the reader or listener to figure out what we mean) Both have logical development Remember: Make every slide count
PowerPoint or Prezi Creating a PowerPoint Making a prezi presentation This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
Your PowerPoint Make this as interesting as possible. Remember not to read from the PowerPoint. Keep font and background slides consistent. Have a look at ‘Death by PowerPoint’: http://www.slideshare.net/thecroaker/death-by-powerpoint/47-Less_text)
Visual aids Use visual aids to support your presentation PowerPoint - Use large and readable font - Have key points only - Use the 1/6/6 rule - Do not make it visually distracting What’s the problem with this slide? (Visually distracting!) This is an example of what not to do. How about the next slide?
Visual aids Use visual aids to support your presentation PowerPoint - Use large and readable font - Have key points only - Use the 1/6/6 rule - Do not make it visually distracting The information on this slide is a lot more accessible than the previous slide! Font: Use something easy to read like Arial or Calibri The 1/6/6 rule for PowerPoint is: 1 main point per slide / 6 lines or bullet points per slide / approximately 6 words per bullet point
Ways to improve your presentation skills Practise, practise, practise Transform nervous energy into enthusiasm (Don’t fight your nervousness; accept it) Arrive early Be familiar with the room Use positive visualization (imagine a positive outcome) Information taken from http://www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2014/11/19/how-to-improve-presentation-skills This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
More ways to improve your presentation skills Remember that most audiences are sympathetic Take deep breaths Smile Look confident (‘Fake it till you make it!’) Work on your pauses Don’t try to cover too much material Information taken from http://www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2014/11/19/how-to-improve-presentation-skills This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
Referencing reminders What’s the order of the parts in a reference list entry for a book? Authors (& initials). (Year of publication). Title of book: Subtitle of book (edition). Place of publication: Name of publisher. Your course text book: McMurray, A., & Clendon, J. (2015). Community health and wellness: Primary health care in practice (5th ed.). Chatswood, Australia: Elsevier. In-text citation from page 37 of this book: …………… (McMurray & Clendon, 2015, p. 37). McMurray and Clendon (2015) state that…… (p. 37). Note: The title of a book is in italics. For the place of publication, if it’s in the United States, use the city name and 2 letter state code (eg New York, NY). If anywhere else in the world, use the city and country, eg Auckland, New Zealand For the name of the publisher, keep this short. You can omit words like: Publications, Co, Inc, Ltd. However, you need to include ‘Books’ or ‘Press’ eg Cambridge University Press.
Referencing visual media for the HLBN522 Presentation Remember that everything you take from somewhere must be referenced Images and figures are all referred to as a Figure Only tables have the referencing formatted differently Look at the Visual Media Guide on Moodle to see how to do this type of referencing (more info on following slides) Show students where the Visual Media Guide is on Moodle. Make sure you put the Figure number and title plus source underneath the figure. Also have a corresponding entry in the reference list at the end of the presentation IF the information comes from a source. If you want to refer to the figure in your talk, you can say eg: “The graph shows…” OR eg: “Figure 2 shows…..” You can give the reference in the same way, whether you used an image from a source, or whether you used information and put it into your own diagram.
Referencing photos you take yourself Follow the formatting in the Visual Media Guide You don’t need to give a source (since it is original) You don’t need to put a reference list entry (not retrievable) You could refer to the photograph (figure) in your presentation, eg: Figure 1 shows the Coronation Park playground in Maudeland. As you can see from figure 1, there is a children’s playground in Maudeland. Figure 1: Playground in Coronation Park, Maudeland, Hamilton (NB – Some of the information above has been made up for the purposes of this workshop!) Note – It’s best to check with your tutor that they are happy for you to reference your photos in this way (ie not necessary to put your family name and year eg (Source: Newport, 2016) The reason for this is that these photos are not retrievable by the reader if you do not put them on the Internet.
Referencing graphs you make yourself (in a presentation or written assignment) Follow the same formatting as for APA referencing You don’t need to give a source (since it is original) You don’t need to put a reference list entry You should refer to the graph (figure) in the text of your assignment Example: Graph of favourite colours of students in the second semester nursing workshop. Referring to your graph in your assignment: Figure 1 shows how many students in the nursing workshop had a particular favourite colour. The majority of students in the nursing workshop specified as their favourite colour (see figure 1). Example: Do a quick survey of students’ favourite colours. Plot this info on a graph on the w/bd, with y axis showing Number of students, and x axis showing Favourite colour. Under the graph, write: Figure 1: Favourite colours of students in nursing workshop, Semester 2 2017 Note: No source and no reference list entry. If you refer to the graph in-text, it would be eg: Figure 1 shows how many students in the nursing workshop had a particular favourite colour. OR The majority of students in the nursing workshop specified as their favourite colour (see figure 1). Note – If you are giving a presentation rather than doing a written assignment, then you may talk about a graph in a slightly more informal way than you would in writing. Eg in a presentation: “As you can see in the graph, half of the class said that purple is their favourite colour.”
Referencing a diagram or image from a website You may want to scan and crop an image from a book and / or You could download an image from the Internet Example: Look at the image on this link. How do you reference the image? How do you write the reference list entry How do you refer to the image in-text? Students to click on the link to get the image of the rhino on their screen. Have the Wintec Visual Media Guide on the big screen. Students to look at the first example in the guide, and the information on the website. Teacher to elicit how to do the referencing from the students, and write the answers on the whiteboard. Check them on the next slide. PLEASE NOTE: When you are referencing images from the internet, you can’t put the URL under the image. The URL will only go in the reference list entry.
Referencing a diagram or image from a website: Answers Reference for image Figure 1: Southern white rhinoceros (Source: Hamilton Zoo, 2016) Picture of rhino
Referencing a diagram or image from a website: Answers Reference list entry Hamilton Zoo. (2016). Southern white rhinoceros [Photograph]. Retrieved from https://www.google.co.nz/search?q=rhinoceros&espv=2&biw =1680&bih=920&source=lnms&tbm=is ch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwissbGXuejPAhUKw2MKHW3KDbA Q_AUIBigB#imgrc=UXc6mm2DL3AoHM%3A
Referencing a diagram or image from a website: Answers Referring to the image in-text White rhino have two horns; a large front one and a smaller rear horn (see figure 1). OR Figure 1 shows the two horns that white rhino have, including the large front horn and a smaller one behind it.
Next week’s sessions… Monday 21 August, 9 am in Cg.17 (Workshop) HLBN523 Comprehensive Assessment HLBN522 Short Essay Monday 21 August, 10 am in Cg.17 (Tutorial) More on APA Referencing Finish early and then students who started the semester late will go on a campus tour with Anthea Note about 11th September workshop…. You have Science Test 1 that day. I found out that the Science tutors don’t provide study sessions on the day of a test . A suggestion for our workshop that morning is to have Cg.17 as a quiet study space. I will be there in case you want to ask questions about your assignments (if you don’t want to study for the test). I can also bring the study group bag with jug etc so that you can make yourself a hot drink. You can continue studying in the tutorial time from 10 – 11 am as well (unless the new EAL students want to do something else.)
Student Learning Services Drop-ins: Monday to Thursday 8 – 9 am, 11 am - 1 pm, 3 - 4 pm Fridays 8 – 9 am and 11 am - 1 pm You do not need an appointment for a drop-in. Drop-ins are for approx. 15 minutes with a tutor. There are limited appointments available (up to 30 minutes with a tutor).