Practical application: service hours Jordyn Bruey
Southern care hospice WHO: people like, Baylor students, volunteer to talk to people in hospice care for a variety of different reasons WHAT: Southern Care Hospice is an organization that provides care to patient that need pain and symptom management, but the volunteers just help with emotional support WHERE: I went to a variety of different care facilities to meet with patients WHEN: I volunteered for about an hour every week WHY: My major is nursing and I am always looking for ways that I can help people, so volunteering at hospice provided me a way to help people in a way that is similar to what I will be doing in the future
What I learned This was one of the first times I have been in a setting that is similar to nursing, so I was able to get a feel for what I may be doing in the future Even if a patient can’t talk to you, they still appreciate you’re presence and company Hospice workers are living Angels I am not particularly interested in being a geriatric or hospice nurse
Relation to leadership As a volunteer there is not much you can do, however, just by branching out into the Waco community, you can encourage others to do the same As a nurse in hospice, they have to show patients and kindness with their patients because the patients are prone to frustration and depression, but nurses are able to lead by example and provide a positive environment