Building an Integrated Information System in HE The case of U Building an Integrated Information System in HE The case of U.PORTO Lígia Maria Ribeiro
Digital University director: Pro-rector of U.PORTO ICT to foster cohesion ICT as a key factor to: Produce, access, share and disseminate information Foster collaboration Increase communication Diminish bureaucracy Obtain performance indicators Increase quality Use ICT to create competitive differentiation and meet strategic goals Digital University director: Pro-rector of U.PORTO
Information System: SIGARRA Infrastructure Supports information management in all aspects of the university activity Teaching and learning, R&D, administration and management Links to other university applications givin the users the information they need Service Allows access to information and provides tools to manage information Every-day tool for all university users Allows strategic information management
The origin of SIGARRA Information System of FEUP (SiFEUP) Born in 1996 New legal framework Law of autonomy of universities (1988) FEUP dean’s initiatives: Participative strategic plan Broadband undergraduate + specialized graduate programmes More autonomy for programme directors Reinforcement of central services professional management new services IT investment New premises
Impact: before SiFEUP Before SiFEUP A multiplicity of autonomous and disconnected subsystems Incompatible data models Different technologies and formats Many functions not automated
Impact: after SiFEUP After SiFEUP A coherent data model Compatible technologies Systematic automation of functions Induction of new integrated application development
Main results Pedagogical and Research Activities Planning the teaching service Student performance Course performance Scientific productivity Administration and management procedures Systematic record of infrastructure information Efficiency and productivity of services Programme assessment reports
Scaling-up IRICUP SiFEUP Extension to U.PORTO Activity started in 2003 Proven system 6/7 years in production National award (Descartes 1998) International Award (EUNIS Elite Award 2000) Extension to U.PORTO SiFEUP > SIGARRA Goal: in production in all units in 2005
SIGARRA Nowadays SIGARRA used by: Other Portuguese HEI 14 faculties (e.g. FMUP, FLUP, FEP) Rectorate, IRICUP and SASUP U.PORTO (top aggregated instance) R&D Centre (pilot) Other Portuguese HEI
Methodology (1/3) Strong implication of management Agreement to adopt SIGARRA Defining priorities Obtaining cooperation of the academic community Identifying information providers Identifying information manager
Methodology (2/3) Central professional support In-house development (IRICUP+FEUP+FCUP) Application integration Technical architecture HW SW (Oracle licensing) Training “SIGGARA à SEXTA” e-learning Support for information managers and providers
Methodology (3/3) Configurable product Same model everywhere Support for building a visual identity Preserving U.PORTO identity Support for local user access policies Support for activation of different functionalities Same model everywhere Coordination easier at the university level Overview, aggregated data and generic communication facilities directly accessible in a consolidated system for the whole university
SIGARRA SIGARRA Front-Office Oracle DBMS WF engine App. Server Unidirectional info flow Bidirectional info flow SIGARRA Front-Office Primavera WebCT GIAF Financial Management DSpace Content Management GA Student Management GRH Human Res. Management Moodle Learning Management Aleph Library Management SIGARRA Radius LDAP Identity Management Oracle DBMS WF engine App. Server
SIGARRA: main components Teaching and Learning R&D Administration and Management Decision Support
Teaching and Learning Tool to support the pedagogical process Communication facilities Integration facilities Library catalogue b-Learning -> e-Learning Assessment Continuous education
Class timetables
Student timetables
Linking to premises
Linking to wi-fi coverage
Filling the course form
Linking to library catalogue (1/2)
Linking to library catalogue (2/2)
Linking to contents (1/2)
Linking to Contents (2/2)
Linking to LMS
Assessment: course report
Assessement: programme report
Continuous Education (1/2)
Continuous Education (1/2)
Programmes at U.PORTO level
Continuous Education at U.PORTO level
R & D Publications Projects CV and Activities Reports Linking to open repositories
Information about teaching staff
Filling publication form
Supervision of thesis
Activities report (1/2)
Activities report (2/2)
Linking to U.PORTO Repository
Administration and management Development of on-line services Faster communication flows New working methods Institutional assessment
On-line services for students (1/4)
On-line services for students (2/4)
On-line services for students (3/4)
On-line services for students (4/4)
New information channels
News at U.PORTO level
Linking to financial management systems
New working methods
Process workflow
Performance of Services – Trouble Tickets
Staff assessment
Decision Support: Statistics
Decision Support: Statistics
Decision Support: Statistics
Decision Support: Statistics
Decision Support: Statistics
SIGARRA and the Bologna Process Supports the administrative processes Allows availability of indicators and reports Promotes the conception, production and sharing of pedagogical contents Promotes the creation of community networks of knowledge Facilitates mobility Electronic exchange of student data
Course form
Conclusions Strategic Information Management Information Systems Crucial for the continuous improvement of HEI performance Creates competitive advantage Information Systems Technological Support Follow up and monitoring of processes Background for the deployment of Quality Systems