Higher Learning Commission Accreditation Update – January 2016 Steve Hornstein – Faculty Co-Director for Accreditation
HLC Accreditation operates on a ten year cycle An on-line “Assurance Review” (insuring compliance with HLC Accreditation Criteria happens in Year 4. A “Quality Initiative” to improve some aspect of the university takes place between Years 5 and 9. On our campus the ”Quality Initiative” was the development of Institutional Outcomes. This work evolved into the development of “Our Husky Compact” and the assessment work with the Value Rubrics. A ”Comprehensive Review” occurs in Year 10 of the cycle. The Comprehensive Review includes an Assurance Review, a Review of Federal Compliance, and an on-site visit.
We are currently in the process of preparing for our Accreditation visit which will take place November 7-8 2016. \\
There are a number of moving parts as we prepare for this visit. As we continue with the Quality Initiative David Switzer is working with departments on making sure we have Program Level Outcomes posted (as required by HLC) and on getting groups organized to assess “Our Husky Compact” through the use of the Value Rubrics. Kristian Twombly has also been working with the Value Rubrics and has been working to develop an easy way for programs to demonstrate how their work aligns with “Our Husky Compact.” A written report on the Quality Initiative is due to HLC this spring.
There are also multiple groups working on preparing the required documents for the upcoming visit. A “Steering Committee” comprised of faculty, administrators and representatives of multiple bargaining units oversees the entire process. Judith Siminoe is leading a group that will explicate our compliance with federal regulations. Shelly Mumm is leading the group explicating our Mission, Ethical Practices and Resources and Planning David Switzer is heading the group working on teaching and learning and assessment practices. We would still welcome additional members to these teams. Contact me at HLCAssurance@Stcloudstate.edu if you are interested.
The HLC Accreditation Criteria Cover Five Main Areas Criterion One – Mission Criterion Two - Integrity, Ethical and Responsible Conduct Criterion Three – Teaching and Learning: Quality, Resources and Support Criterion Four – Teaching and Learning: Evaluation and Improvement Criterion Five – Resources, Planning and Institutional Effectiveness
HLC Accreditation Criteria The full HLC Accreditation Criteria can be accessed by clicking the link below. HLC Accreditation Criteria
Our Process to Date Committees began meeting fall semester and have been working through the criteria identifying potential sources of evidence and places where we need to clarify university processes and policies. We have noted that work will need to be done this semester on a process for better record keeping of student complaints, on clearly identifying qualifications for doctoral program faculty, and on making program information and outcomes more easily accessible through the university catalog.
Our Process to Date We expect committees to complete the first drafts of their work before spring break We expect final drafts to be done by the end of the academic year.
For each sub section, the report we have to file looks like this:
Moving Toward November Once drafts are completed a technical writer will work with the team to finalize the report over the summer. All of our materials need to be uploaded to HLC by September 5, 2016. A random sample of students will be asked to complete a survey by the HLC early in fall semester. We intend to use fall semester to share the work prepared for HLC with the campus and as a celebration of the quality of the work done at SCSU.
Our HLC Accreditation Visit is Scheduled for November 7-8, 2016 We should hear an initial response from HLC about our accreditation before the end of 2016 and a final report before the end of the 2016/17 academic year.
Questions or Comments? Contact us at HLCAssurance@Stcloudstate.edu