Approaches to Improve the Reemployment Function


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Presentation transcript:

Approaches to Improve the Reemployment Function Data Sets, Tools, and Approaches to Improve the Reemployment Function December 10, 2008 2p.m. EST

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Presenters Presenters: John Dorrer, Director, Center for Workforce Research & Information, Maine Department of Labor Mary Bruton, Workforce Analysis Manager, Missouri Economic Research & Information Center John Slenker, Regional Labor Market Analyst, NYS Department of Labor Moderator: Anthony Dais, Office of Workforce Investment, US DOL/ETA

Industry Abbreviations AFFH Agriculture/Forestry/Fishing/Hunting Min Mining Utl Utilities Con Construction Manf Manufacturing WhTr Wholesale Trade ReTr Retail Trade T&W Transportation and Warehouse Inf Information F&I Finance and Insurance RE Real Estate, Rental & Leasing PSTS Professional/Scientific/Tech Services Man Management of Companies & Enterprises Adm Administration and Support/Waste Management/Remediation Services Educ Educational Services Hlth Health Care and Social Assistance Arts Arts, Entertainment & Recreation Food Accommodation and Food Services Oth Other Services (except Public Administration) PubAdm Public Administration

Maine Department of Labor Center for Workforce Research & Information John Dorrer Maine Department of Labor Center for Workforce Research & Information

Research-Based Strategy Development Assess Regional Economic Impacts Gauge Impacts on Base Civilian Workforce Monitor Regional Economic Conditions Track Labor Market Conditions for Secondary Impacted Workers Support Economic Development/Worker Transition Planning and Programs

Gather the Facts- Understanding the Problem The Economic Impact Study

The Setting and Timeline

Analysis of Impacted Workforce Directly Impacted Workers Secondary Impacted Workers

The median full-time equivalent annual salary of civilian workers is $32,166. Most of those earning less than $20,000 work part-time.

The highest level of eductional attainment of 63 percent of BNAS civilian workers is a high school diploma or less

The BNAS civilian workforce is older than Maine employment in general with 55 percent age 45 to 64

Most jobs are in occupations which generally do not require post-secondary education

Civilian employment at BNAS is concentrated in administrative support, protective service, sales, personal services, and maintenance occupations

Secondary Impacted Workers Identify a pool of workers affected by the base closing Assess their skills and training needs Encourage these workers to enter training

Workforce Analysis Manager Missouri Economic Mary Bruton Workforce Analysis Manager Missouri Economic Research & Information Center

Missouri’s Re-employment Approach Utilizes existing state and federal data Leverages research capability of LMI shop Collection, use, and dissemination of data integrated into core services

Utilizes Existing State and Federal Data Jobseekers/UI claimant case management system O*Net knowledge, skills, and abilities database Missouri employment projections matrix

Leverages Research Capability of LMI Shop UI confidentiality restrictions not problematic Analysis and product development integrated into LMI research plan Decreasing funding = increased need for collaboration

Collection, use, and dissemination of data integrated into core services Create labor pool availability reports for economic development planning Develop online dislocated worker tool for re- employment Analyze state job vacancy survey data for skills gap research for targeting training programs

Provides labor pool availability intelligence to economic developers and is used in rapid response events for impacted workers

Strategic career exploration for dislocated workers

Assists workforce developers in development of targeted hard and soft skill training programs

Regional Labor Market Analyst NYS Department of Labor John Slenker Regional Labor Market Analyst NYS Department of Labor

Occupational Distribution Top 10 occupations = 20% of claims load Top 50 represent over 50% Top 100 represent 70% The other 660 occupations comprise only 30% of the claim load

Claimants vs Openings Given limited resources it makes sense to concentrate job development strategies on the top occupations.

Smallest Firms Have Most Hires

Lots of Small Companies

Large Companies Need Replacements from Turnover

200 Times More Effective The number of contacts to generate ONE potential hire in the smallest firm class size would generate 196 in the largest firm class Most cost effective strategy is to target large firms, even without growth turnover provides openings

How to Target Job Orders We know the occupations of UI claimants Reversing the process the staffing patterns are used to identify firms likely to hire these occupations A list is then generated using the business directory and sorting by size of firm

ARC Employer Database

ARC Employer Database

ARC Employer Database

ARC Employer Database

Proactive not Reactive Occupations of claim-load can be projected Get lead time for job development Training needs for claimants can be projected

Contacts and Links 716-851-2740 ustrydata/bdirector.shtm

Contact Information John Dorrer, Director, Center for Workforce Research and Information Maine Department of Labor Email: Mary Bruton, Missouri Research and Information Center (MERIC) Missouri Department of Economic Development Email:

WIN-WIN Network Workforce3One SAVE the DATE – Workforce Information and Economic Analysis Super Category SAVE the DATE – Re-Employment Works Summit January 27 through 29/2009 Baltimore, Maryland

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