M. Sullivan for the SLAC SuperB Workshop Jan. 26-30, 2009 IR Design Status M. Sullivan for the SLAC SuperB Workshop Jan. 26-30, 2009
Working Design Input parameters LER HER Energy (GeV) 4 7 Beam currents (A) 1.85 1.85 Beta* X (mm) 35 20 Beta* Y (mm) 0.16 0.27 Emittance X (nm-rad) 2.8 1.6 Emittance Y (pm-rad) 7 4 Crossing angle (mrad) 60
More input parameters – constraints BSC BSC X 30 uncoupled sigmas plus 0.5 mm COD BSC Y 15 sigmas with 10% coupling plus 0.5 mm COD (corresponds to >140 sigmas) Keep the maximum beta values near 2000 m Detector beam pipe inside radius is 10 mm Final focus super-quad strengths < 1.2 T/cm
Design Beams into separate beam pipes at 0.35m from the IP Permanent magnet vertical focusing for the LER starts at 0.36 m – 0.50 m The PMs are elliptical to increase the vertical aperture Cryostat for super quads starts at 0.525 m QD0 super quads start at 0.58 m and go to 0.98 m (0.4 m long) QF1 super quads start at 1.6 m and go to 1.9 m We have introduced a soft bend (about 10% strength) in front of the last full bend that is 2 m long
More details Super-quad strengths Maximum betas HER LER QDO (T/cm) -1.191 -0.522 QF1 (T/cm) +0.720 +0.397 Maximum betas Beta X (m) 581 (24) 415 (20) Beta Y (m) 1971 (44) 2193 (47)
SuperB Interaction Region Design
SuperB Interaction Region Layout View
SuperB Interaction Region Side View
SR bkgd studies Physics window is defined to be +/- 4 cm in Z HER looks pretty good with an X mask located 0.4 m from the IP Can protect physics window out to beam sigmas of 20 X and 60 Y LER not so bad Can also protect physics window out to 20 X and 45 Y
For this workshop Study SR bkgds some more – try to improve Document SR power numbers on cryostat walls and beam pipe in general Start looking at scattered photons as a bkgd Start investigation of effect detector solenoid has on beam orbit Implement compensating solenoids to correct orbit Find some values for the compensating solenoids that correct the orbit. Initial solutions would ignore coupling correction. Consider these values starting points for coupling correction.
More to do Start looking at SR bkgd sensitivity to orbit deviations Some concern that the tight beam pipes between 0.35 m and 0.6 m might be efficient stoppers for BGB and Touschek particles (would make this a bkgd source for the detector) …