Options and Recommendations for TL and Dumps C.Bracco, B. Goddard
ERL Test Facility A. Valloni 1 155MeV 80MeV 305MeV 230MeV 455MeV 5 MeV Injector 1 155MeV 80MeV 305MeV 230MeV 455MeV 380 MeV 2 Dump (5MeV-155MeV-305 MeV-455MeV) (80MeV-230MeV-380MeV) Injector Average current 12.8 mA Bunch charge 320 pC Energy 5MeV rms Emittance 25 mm mrad Bunch spacing 25 ns Energy spread 10 keV Bunch length 3 mm TL injector ERL Space charge effects Polarity conservation (if need for polarized beams) Optics and geometric matching Achromatic lattice ERL Dump: momentum acceptance!
Operational dump 64 kW (12.8 mA of 5 MeV e-). Two options: Profit of first vertical dipole (it must be C-shaped) that distributes the different energy beams to the 3 superimposed arcs to bend the 5 MeV beam towards a vertical dump. Recommendations: Use low Z material dump to limit backscattering and weight Evaluate effect of back-scattered electrons on circulating beam and if any mitigation is needed (e.g. thin coating of a heavier material on the dump part facing the beam) Evaluate possible integration issues especially in case of magnet replacement (including activation) Detailed tracking studies in real 3D field to evaluate fringe field contribution
Operational dump 64 kW (12.8 mA of 5 MeV e-). Two options: The 5 MeV beam is horizontally extracted by one kicker installed in the drift between the end of the linac and the first steerer. A few m long drift follows and ends with a cylindrical dump made of graphite. Recommendations Use a DC magnet Add two more kickers after the steerer to correct the trajectories of the high energy beams which could be slightly perturbed by the first one. Evaluate effect of these three steerers on the optics including edge effects.
General recommendations Evaluate: Need of cooling for the dump (avoid brazed cooling pipes in vacuum) Need of shielding around the dump clearance wrt surrounding equipment Energy density deposited on the dump enough a long drift or additional defocusing and/or dilution kickers? Need a separate vacuum (window) or common with ERL?
Setup dumps During commissioning and setup might be desirable having the possibility to dump the different energy beams. Easy solution: switch off the first horizontal dipole of the arc corresponding to the wanted energy and let the beam go straight towards a dump. C-shaped magnet Y chamber Need one dump line per beam energy three superimposed dumps or one big block receiving the three lines?
Emergency dump? In order to limit the energy deposited on the dump an interlock system should stop the injector and pulse all the extraction kickers simultaneously (number of dumped bunches limited to those contained in one arc and one linac) Need for pulsed kickers with a rise-time of 23 ns (assuming a 25 ns bunch spacing and 2 ns for some jitter) One extraction system per each energy has to be installed after the vertical spreader when the beams are fully separated The standard scheme kicker+quad+septum should be used and clearance for the septum blade and the circulating beam have to be considered (integration!). Kicker waveform flattop to be adapted to the number of dumped bunches
Extraction line as test facility Pulsed magnets to extract only wanted number of bunches at a given energy in the shadow of normal ERL operation (adapt kicker waveform length) The different energy lines are recombined using a system analogous to the one used at the entrance of the Linacs. Include steering magnets, a matching section and a triplet to vary beam spot-size and focal point position Detailed optics studies have to be performed, the dynamic range of the magnets and potential RP issues have to be evaluated.
Directions for future study Study options and make technical choices for operational dump Finalise layout of setup dumps Use cases, kickers, septa and optics studies for emergency dump (plus interlock system to limit the number of dumped high energy bunches) Kicker, steering magnets, RP and optics studies for test facility extraction line