Final Review Alejandra Munoz, CPC, NCICS MED210 Final Review Alejandra Munoz, CPC, NCICS
Final Review ICD-10’s have a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 7 characters. When coding an abnormal product of conception you will go to the alphabetical Index and then go to chapter called XXXXXX The first character of an ICD-10 is always a letter, followed by a number, after that, there will be a combination of letters and numbers. It is very important to read and follow all the instructional notes that appear in the Index and Tabular
Final Review Eponym describes a syndrome/condition after a person. To correctly code a neoplasm, it is primary, secondary, or carcinoma in situ. An infectious disease can occur when virus, bacteria, parasites, and fungi enter the body. Acute: Sudden onset. Chronic: Long term condition. When we have separate codes for acute or chronic conditions, in what order are they to be entered? Acute first, then chronic. We can not code an impending condition, we can only code the signs and symptoms
Final Review The first step when looking for a code is: look it up in the alphabetical Index, then go to the Tabular side and pick the correct code. Never code from the Alpha Index! It is important to read and follow the coding guidelines. A combination code is a code that is used to classify two diagnoses. Status asthmaticus is an acute case of asthma that does not respond to treatment. It is mandatory for a radiologist to write a report to communicate his/her findings to the provider.
Final Review In the Chapter called Diseases of the Digestive system you will find conditions affecting the stomach, mouth, intestine, rectum, anus, liver, pancreas, and gallbladder. Neoplasm Table includes: Primary, Secondary, CA in Situ, Benign, Uncertain Behavior, and Unspecified Behavior ICD-9-CM/ICD-10-CM are updated every year on October 1. NEC: Not Elsewhere Classified NOS: Not Otherwise Specified Lymphoma is a cancer that starts in infection-fighting cells of the immune system.
Final Review Parentheses are used in both the Alphabetical Index and Tabular. Brackets enclose synonyms, alternative workings and alternative phrases. Main term is the main condition that is present. An Instructional notation is when you find the main term in the Index and it provides additional information where to locate the code. Neoplasm Table is located at the end of the Alphabetical Index
Final Review An ultrasound is a sound wave or other vibrations having ultrasonic frequency, particularly as used in medical imaging; it is a diagnostic procedure. Chapter 13 of the ICD-10-CM reports Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System Purpose of ICD-10-CM is to decrease the need to attach documentation on medical claims, enhance ability to conduct public health surveillance, and improves the ability to measure health services. Medical necessity is the determination that a service/procedure rendered is reasonable and necessary for diagnosis or treatment of illness or injury.
Final Review ICD-10-CM provides better data for: conducting research/tracking public health, designing payment systems, identifying fraud and abuse, processing claims, making clinical decisions, and measuring care provided to patients. Encounter is a face-to-face contact between patient and health care provider who assesses and treats a patient’s condition. Eponym is a disease or syndrome named after a person.
Final Review Practice your ICD-9 coding!! Manifestation is a condition that occurs as the result of another condition. They are always reported as a secondary code Practice your ICD-9 coding!!