By: Tyler Scalzo, Cody Stewart, and Josh Rutkowski Platyhelminthes By: Tyler Scalzo, Cody Stewart, and Josh Rutkowski
Symmetry & locomotion Bilateral Moves by contracting longitudinal transverse muscle Can also move by cilia in a slime trail
Nervous and digestive system Nervous System Has a very simple nervous system Two chords run down either side of the body Two simple brains called ganglia Cerebral ganglia are clusters of nerves Has two eye spots to help sense light Digestive System Two way system Absorbs nutrients Food goes to gut like system Exists waste through Pharynx
Excretory & Circulation System Excretory System Has flame cells Function like a kidney Removes waste materials Circulatory System Receives oxygen through diffusion
Respiratory System & Skeleton Absorbs oxygen through skin Skeleton Has no skeleton present Soft bodied organism
Reproduction Is both asexual & sexual Sexual reproduction is preferable in most Platyhelminthes Has both male and female organs Reproduces by regeneration Hermaphrodites Parasitic Platyhelminthes lay their eggs on or inside their host
Class Turbellaria Have ciliated epidermis & sub epidermis Rhabdites (rod like structures in cells of epidermis) Ex: Planarian (non parasitic flatworm)
Class Trematoda All are relatively parasitic & feed on host Ex: Flukes (have suckers that feed on host)
Class Cestoda Tape Worms Specifically live in digestive tracts of animals Have no gut Parasite Ex: Tape worm
Works Cited “Cestoda.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 1 Oct. 2017, The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica. “Fluke.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 31 Aug. 20 Campbell, Andrew. “Turbellaria.” Animal Diversity Web,, Modern Biology. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 2002
Other Facts Platyhelminthes are referred as flatworms because they have a flat and round shape Cephalization is the focusing of nerve tissue from one end to the other end of an organism to produce a head region with sensory organs Platyhelminthes live in shallow water or the inside of a host First, infected animals defecate. Then, the tapeworms that were in the feces create lava on the grass. The animals eat the grass, and the lava forms cysts into the muscle. When an animal is butchered, the worms are still in the cyst. If raw meat is eaten before it is cooked to kill the worm, the worm spreads in the consumer’s gut