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- - - - Course syllabus | 2017-2018 - - - English 3: Workshop - - - - Course syllabus | 2017-2018 - - - ……………………………………………………………………………...…………….. What we’ll read Short stories, choice books, fiction & non-fiction, drama, poetry Mrs. Katie Vecchio CM155 Conference: 2nd Tutorials: T/W, 2:50-3:30 M/T, Power Hour In this course, you will Increase knowledge of, & proficiency with, research skills Participate in collaborative discussions Read poetry, fiction/non-fiction, & drama Produce writing appropriate to various tasks and purposes Read texts closely and independently Better understand literary terminology ……………………………………………………………………………...…………….. ………………………………………….. Assignments and grading 50% Major Grades: Tests/Quizzes/Binder/Reading Logs/Writing 50% Minor Grades: Classwork, homework, & participation You will be graded on your participation in discussions, group work, & homework which will include required reading, classwork, and various other projects. ……………………………………………………………………………...…………….. Expectations What you’ll need 1’ binder 5 tab dividers Notebook paper Pen/Pencil 1 box Kleenex OR 1 bottle hand sanitizer An email address Remind101 App Good manners Be on time Be respectful Be kind …………………………………..
Policies - - - - Course syllabus | 2017-2018 - - - ……………………………………………………………………………...…………….. technology Unless I specifically say that you may have your cell phones out, you must keep them away at all times. There are times I will allow us to use them (research, etc.) When not in approved use: put in backpack or awaynot on floor/desk You may charge your phone @ the “Power Station” in my room1st come, 1st serve (I’m not responsible for your stuff, damage/loss!) Cell Jail: If I feel it’s necessary, I will take your phone up & keep in “cell jail” until the end of classrepeat offenders: referral to Mrs. Marquez Late/make-up work policy The expectation is that you submit all assignments on time. *1 day late: -30 points *2 days late: -50 points *3+ days late: NO credit (0%) If you are absent, it is your responsibility to check the make-up folder (in front of room) & complete missed work. 1 day per day missed (i.e., 2 days absent=2 days to make-up work) Technological issues do not excuse you from completing your work. ……………………………………………… Academic dishonesty All work that you submit must be your own work. You may not do any of the following: Turn in or copy someone else’s work. Copy someone’s work and change a few of the words. Copying words from a source without citing it and giving credit to the source. Attempt to use any notes on a closed-not assignment. Look at someone else’s work during an quiz, test, or otherwise individual assessment. If you are doing any of the above or anything else that constitutes cheating, you will receive a zero on that assignment, and you will be referred for discipline. ……………………………………………… Other policies You may have bottled water in the classroom and a snack as long as it’s not noisy or too messy. Please be prepared & positive! BATHROOM PASSES: 3/semester (also at teacher discretion) It’s your job to keep up with these! HOMEWORK PASS: You get 1 free pass to turn in 1 assignment late for full credit (also at teacher discretion) It’s your job to keep up with this! TARDIES: All tardies are marked in computer10 min or more late=referral 2 tardies in 1 week: teacher detention 2+ tardies in 1 week: referral & call home ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Title Type your text here. It goes in a circle, - - - - Course syllabus | 2016-2017 - - - ……………………………………………………………………………...…………….. title Type your text here. Title Type your text here. Title Type your text here. ……………………………………………………………………………...…………….. ………………………………………….. title Type your text here. ……………………………………………………………………………...…………….. title Title Type your text here. Type your text here. It goes in a circle, …………………………………..
Name: _____________________ Date: ________ Policies: Signatures Name: _____________________ Date: ________ ……………………………………………………………………………...…………….. I understand the late/make-up work policy. Student Signature: _________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: I understand the Cell phone policy. Student Signature: ______________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: ……………………………………………………………………………...…………….. I understand the academic Dishonesty policy. Student Signature: _________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: I understand the bathroom/homework pass Policies: Initials: ____________ I understand the tardies policy: Initials: ___________ Student Signature: _________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..