PRESENTATION OUTLINE Background Ministers Key Priorities Performance Overview Three Year Performance Overview Income and Expenditure Trends Assets and Liabilities Audit Outcome Governance Challenges and Interventions
BACKGROUND War museum of the Boer Republics is a schedule 3A public entity. The Museum was established in terms of the Cultural Institutions Act, 1998 (Act No. 118 of 1998). The museum receives institutional transfers from the Department of Arts and Culture to finance its operations and address its Infrastructural needs. The entity discharges its obligations through three programs, namely Administration, Business Development and Public Engagement
MINISTER'S KEY PRIORITIES For the 2017/18 financial year the entity is planning to respond to the Ministers key priorities in the following programs: New brochure in three languages – English, Afrikaans and Sesotho 100 Iconic items – in process Agreement reached with the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam for an exhibition of the South African War – For this purpose the Rijksmuseum requested some items on loan from the museum, the exhibition opened early in 2017.
ALIGNMENT TO DAC STRATEGY Strategic outcome oriented goal DAC strategic objective War museum strategic goal Indicator Output for 2017/18 A professional and capacitated ACH sector. To build human resource capacity and promote excellence. To provide the necessary support for museum’s key focus areas through the promotion of public accountability and achievement of high standards of corporate governance Achievement of unqualified audit report Unqualified audit report Training and development of own staff (number of topics on which staff received training) and skills transfer to the community/ heritage sector through number of skills development programmes presented. Number of topics on which staff received training 4 topics per annum
ALIGNMENT TO DAC STRATEGY Strategic outcome oriented goal DAC strategic objective War museum strategic goal Indicator Output for 2017/18 A professional and capacitated ACH sector. To build human resource capacity and promote excellence. Training and development of own staff (number of topics on which staff received training) and skills transfer to the community/ heritage sector through number of skills development programmes presented. Number of skills development programmes per annum presented 1 programme presented per annum
ALIGNMENT TO DAC STRATEGY Strategic outcome oriented goal DAC strategic objective War museum strategic goal Indicator Output for 2017/18 A transformed and productive ACH sector. To develop, protect and promote heritage. Number of exhibitions and heritage awareness campaigns Number of permanent exhibitions (new/updated/transformed) 2 exhibitions Number of temporary exhibitions 4 exhibitions Number of heritage awareness campaigns (dissemination of information) 1 campaign
ALIGNMENT TO DAC STRATEGY Strategic outcome oriented goal DAC strategic objective War museum strategic goal Indicator Output for 2017/18 An integrated and inclusive society To lead, coordinate and implement social cohesion programme To expand collections with 10 heritage items (particularly Black and British participation) per annum and to maintain (including restoration) and conserve current collections ( 1 type/ category of items or part thereof). Number of heritage items obtained (new acquisitions – Black and British participation) 10 items Research support provided to writers and own books published (number of publications culminating from these activities) Number of publications for which the museum provided research support or were directly involved in publishing 1 publication Number of educational outreach initiatives Number of schools visited 16 schools
HUMAN CAPITAL AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2017 White African Persons with disabilities Total Male Female Top management 1 Senior management 2 Professionally qualified and experienced specialists in mid - management Skilled technical and academically qualified workers, junior management, supervisors, foremen, and superntedents 4 5 Semi- skilled and discretionary decision making Unskilled and defined decision making 7 Contract staff Interns 8 9 3 14 11
PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW Quarter 3 (2016/17)
PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW CONT… The entity had projected 4 targets in quarter 3, and only one was achieved and the other three were not achieved. one target was affected by the school holidays. The other two not achieved targets are: number of heritage items received and; number of temporary exhibition
PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW OVER THREE YEARS 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 Achieved 96% 100% Not achieved 4% 0%
INCOME AND EXPENDITURE TRENDS DEPARTMENT OF ARTS AND CULTURE 6/17/2018 INCOME AND EXPENDITURE TRENDS 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 (end of quarter 3) R’000 Income 13,160 20 623 13 928 9 302 Government Grant 8 022 8 613 9 121 7 204 Infrastructure grant note 1 1 665 Own Income note 1 3 243 12 010 4 807 433 Expenditure 12 427 20 170 14 126 9 924 Surplus/(Deficit) 222 117 (1 770) (622) Note 1 –grant for infrastructure includes the following: garden of remembrance, new exhibition space and storage, and extension of restaurant, own income composes of deferred income from infrastructure projects and NT transfers for audit fee subsidy as it exceeds 1% of capital and current expenditure. It also includes the sponsorship and the Lotto,
AUDIT OUTCOME 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 Audit Outcome Unqualified Qualified – GRAP 103
GOVERNANCE War Museum 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 as at quarter 3 Number of Council members 9 7 Number of Council meetings 4 2 3 Number of Council committee meetings 1 Attendance rate of Council meetings 72% 86% 76% Number of Audit Committee meetings Number of Management meetings 12 Number of Staff meetings
CHALLENGES AND INTERVENTIONS INTERVENTIONS BY DAC Infrastructure Increase in escalation costs which were initially not budgeted for Financial Increased post retirement benefits Implementation of GRAP 103 Funds have been transferred to the entity. DAC is exploring possibilities to alleviate this challenge through engagements with Treasury and the affected entities. A Task team between affected entities and Treasury has been set to determine which heritage assets to evaluate and to place value on. 17
CHALLENGES AND INTERVENTIONS INTERVENTIONS BY DAC Human resource Shortage of staff – Supply chain management unit and human resources Audit fees As per Section of the Public Audit Act the entity is experiencing financial difficulties and it deserves to be subsidized by the National Treasury on condition that they pay first their budgeted 1% DAC to explore opportunities to assist the entity. DAC received confirmation from National Treasury that the entity is subsidized as it qualifies per the PAA Act. 18