About us: BALKANIA is an association for Balkan Alternative Tourism whose activities include realization of projects from the field of tourism and sport in order to promote the entire Balkan region as a tourist destination. In addition, its purpose is to restore the positive image of the Balkans in the public eye and promote its exceptional – natural, historical, cultural and anthropological heritage. In fact, one of our objectives as a whole is to create a virtual geographic region that includes the territories and regions which are today identified with the term BALKANS. The efforts of the association are aimed at channelling our energy to all forms that are the alternative to mass tourism, and which are in terms of the development of macro sectors identified as: natural tourism, rural tourism, cultural tourism and sport tourism.
How can we fight aggression? The consequences relating to the frequent occurrence of violence and aggression stress the need for educational work with children by means of measures aiming at developing awareness of the harmfulness and unacceptability of any kind of violence. The basis of education, as well as of the prevention of violence, is education in families, schools and society. Schools are a place at which one can discover many activities and they offer a wide space for guiding and educating children. Through sport and physical activities in schools we can tackle the risk of violent behavior among young people. By donning a uniform, young people can be equal, regardless of their diverse backgrounds
Using sport and sport activities as a tool Sport and physical activity can give people a sense of belonging, loyalty and support, which may mean that the risk of violent behavior is reduced. The experiences young people get from involvement in sport could include physical activity, fitness, and skill development. It is also an enjoyment of play and a form of social integration. Sport and physical activity can have long-term benefits in the social development of young people and their integration in society. Sports activities constitute an alternative to violent and delinquent behavior. The sports instructor should serve as a role model for normative behavior for the teens. The sporting activity is combined with educational activity for the purpose of instilling effective behavioral principles. Behavioral techniques, such as rewards and sanctions, should also be incorporated to encourage moderate and restrained behavior and minimize violent behavior.
SPORT AGAINST VIOLENCE AT SCHOOLS Our activities aim to use innovative approaches that use sport as a method to reduce violence in schools, to deal with aggression among young people and increase the effective collaboration among stakeholders to combat the school-aggression and any form of intolerance and discrimination. SPORT AGAINST AGGRESSION SPORT AGAINST VIOLENCE AT SCHOOLS
Main principles for fighting aggression with sports: Preventing violence by minimizing opportunities and decreasing motivation for delinquency Self-empowering, improving self-image, strengthening and shaping behaviors Channeling aggressive behavior into positive, regulated activities Developing a sense of commitment towards members of the group and social norms The coach serving as a role-model for normative behavior and leadership Combining sporting activities with violence prevention activities Forming a group among at-risk teens Teens taking part in community volunteer work
The main goal is to promote a healthy LIFESTYLE and sports activities among young people within the Erasmus + program. All activities will be carried out using the tools and methods of informal education of ERASMUS + Programme ONE OF THE MAIN OBJECTIVES: FIGHT THE CURRENT WITH SPORT THREAT OF INACTIVITY
Objectives I: The objective of the model is to prevent violence and bullying among teens by engaging them in sports activities as an alternative to delinquency and bullying. Sports activities within a group framework enable the adolescent to face both personal and group challenges, parallel to those that s/he faces as part of the social groups s/he belongs to. Therefore, acquiring skills for coping effectively in a sports group, both on a personal and an interpersonal level, helps the adolescent fit in better and be more successful in school, society and the community.
Sports activities help promote and develop mental and physical health, and represent a healthy lifestyle, which is both valued and awarded by society. As such, sports constitute a useful alternative to violent, delinquent and abnormal behavior. Instilment of professional skills in the various sports fields should therefore be accompanied by the instilment of personal and interpersonal skills as well.
Sports activities meet all the criteria of what is considered "manly" such as action and competitiveness but we aim to point out that those should be traits of every person of any age. Sports activities contribute to the development of teamwork skills, the ability to postpone gratification, and the ability to cope with failure and frustration.
The main target group of the activities: Public authorities and institutions at local, national and regional levels in our countries - Representatives from education systems and Social care - teachers, social workers NGOs active in sports and tourism Representatives from the business sector, small and medium enterprises, large companies with active social corporate responsibility - Media, formal and informal networks Youth and adults who are motivated to become sports volunteers or promoters of sports at regional and local level of the 8 participating countries - Coaches, athletic volunteers, sports clubs etc.
Thank you! www.balkania-association.com vsrbinovski_balkania@yahoo.com For your attention www.balkania-association.com vsrbinovski_balkania@yahoo.com https://www.facebook.com/abat.balkania/