How to Vary Syntax
What is Syntax Syntax is a set of rules in a language. It tells how words from different parts of speech are put together in order to convey a complete thought. Syntax is also very similar to diction (the choice of words used in a particular situation). How you use syntax can help create mood, tone, and atmosphere
How Syntax Looks Classic syntax looks like this: Subject+Verb+Object Examples: Patrick watches TV. Daniel is playing basketball. Jorden saw a movie. Ryan will go to the park. You can also create combinations using the same idea above, creating varied syntax.
Examples (Don’t Write) “That night I sat on Tyan-yu’s bed and waited for him to touch me. But he didn’t. I was relieved.” (The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan) “They left me alone and I lay in bed and read the papers awhile, the news from the front, and the list of dead officers with their decorations and then reached down and brought up the bottle of Cinzano and held it straight up on my stomach, the cool glass against my stomach, and took little drinks making rings on my stomach from holding the bottle there between drinks, and watched it get dark outside over the roofs of the town.” (Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemmingway)
What Does Varied Syntax Do? Shorter sentences makes the paragraph sound choppy, making it tricky to read. It can also make it sound boring and uninteresting to read. Varying the syntax makes the ideas flow together better, and that makes it easier to read.
Examples from Text (Don’t Write) Example 1: The author’s father earned money inconsistently. He created several different odd jobs for himself like cutting hair, gardening, and painting houses. The author’s mother also demonstrated resourcefulness. She “would find someone who was a year ahead of [the author] in school, and buy his used books” (Hastings). The author’s mother bought used copies of the schoolbooks. The author’s mother found a way to provide her child what he needed. She also helped the family save money.
Example from Text (Don’t Write) Example 2: For example, the author’s father inconsistently earned small amounts of money by creating several different odd jobs for himself like cutting hair, gardening, and painting houses. The author’s mother also demonstrated resourcefulness when she “would find someone who was a year ahead of [the author] in school, and buy his used books” (Hastings). By buying used copies of the school books, the author’s mother found a way to provide her child what he needed and help the family save money at the same time.