Good Morning Please be sure to take care of your belongings. Turn around and face the back ready for announcements. If you come in late, just have a seat. You may sign the tardy log and take care of your belongings AFTER announcements.
AOT, BSA 1, & BSA 2 10/6 & 10/16 Essential Question: How can obtaining a certification help you not only with your education, but also in your career search? Complete a Gmetrix session and record your score in your bell work for today. I will complete lessons (Word Expert, Excel, and Word) in preparation for certification. I will use Gmetrix to prepare for certification in my area of study.
AOT, BSA 1, & BSA 2 10/6 & 10/16 BSA 1 Standards: AOT Standards: 18.0 – Demonstrate knowledge, skill, and application of information systems to accomplish job objectives and enhance workplace of performance. Apply ergonomic principles applicable to the configuration of computer workstations. 19.0 – Demonstrate language arts knowledge and skills. 21.0 – Use oral and written communication skills in creating, expressing and interpreting information and ideas. BSA 1 Standards: 36.0 – Use technology to increase administrative office support productivity and workplace performance. 37.0 – Use information technology tools.. 38.0 – Participate in administrative work-based learning experiences. BSA 2 Standards: 56.0 - Use technology to increase administrative office support productivity and enhance workplace performance. 57.0 – Participate in administrative support work-based learning experiences.
AOT, BSA 1, & BSA 2 10/6 & 10/16 BE SURE TO EMAIL ME YOUR ASSIGNMENTS TODAY!!! AOT – Word Learning Microsoft Office 2016 Level 1 Chapter 1, pg 79- 178; lessons 6-10; practice activities End of Chapter Activities – Critical Thinking: Write a Letter and Create a Flyer Due date October 6th BSA 1 & 2 Excel: Learning Microsoft Office 2013 Level 2 Chapter 6, pg 280 - 340; lessons 49 – 55; practice activities End of Chapter Activities – Critical Thinking: Payroll Calculations Word Expert: MOS 2013 Study Guide Download the related files Complete the practice tasks as needed and save to your H drive Practice Gmetrix daily; scores will be retrieved for recording in Skyward Exit Activity Describe a scenario that was a problem for you from a Gmetrix question and explain how to handle the question.
Digital Information Technology 10/6 & 10/16 Essential Questions: What are ethics and how do ethics impact your work in digital information technology? Take out a sheet of paper, put your name and class period in top right corner. Under that put a 2 and circle it for page 2. You will add to your TABLE OF CONTENTS #2 – Computer Ethics. Turn off your monitor, and I will show you a 3 minutes video about computer ethics. You will need to take notes on your paper – there is a QUIZ that we will take on Tuesday. On your bell work, please write a statement that we watched the video in class today, and the Quiz will be on Tuesday. I will demonstrate my knowledge of the correct technique. I will improve my knowledge of the alphabetic keys. I will complete the email assignments. I will take notes on the computer ethics video. Standards: 4.0 – Demonstrate knowledge, skill, and application of information systems to accomplish job objectives and enhance workplace performance. 17.0 – Demonstrate comprehension and communication skills
Digital Information Technology 10/6 & 10/16 eMarion Communications Tab: How email work Email Messages Lsn 29B, pg 80, messages 1 & 2 ONLY MicroType 5 Assignments Lessons 11-20 due date October 6th/10th Bell Work Check was Wednesday; if you were absent, please see me during the first half of PH Thursday/Monday Exit Activity: Explain the difference between cyberbullying and cyberstalking.