Electron Transport & Oxidative Phosphorylation Biochemistry Free For All
Biological Energy Oxidation
Reaction Catalyzed by Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate Dehydrogenase Oxidized Reduced Reaction Catalyzed by Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate Dehydrogenase
Oxidation of NADH
Electrical and Chemical Potential
The Nernst Equation Overall, ΔG = -nFΔE
Electron Transport Inner Mitochondrial Membrane
Complex II
Electron Movement Reaction
Ubiquinone 2e- + 2H+ Ubiquinol
Complex III
Cytochrome C Small, mobile peripheral protein Inner mitochondrial membrane Shuttles electrons between complexes III and IV Very conserved across all living systems
Note Note Note
Short-circuits System Alternative Oxidase Pathway of Plants, Fungi, Protozoa
Requirements for Electron Transport 1. Electron carriers (NADH/FADH2) 2. Oxygen
Electron Transport Inhibitors Complex I Complex I Complex III
Inhibit Inhibit Inhibit Cyanide Carbon Monoxide Azide Rotenone Amytal Antimycin A
Reactive Oxygen Species
Reactive Oxygen Species 1. Non-enzymatic reactions 2. Damaging to cells (O2-) NO Superoxide + Nitric Oxide Peroxynitrite
Reactive Oxygen Species - Cellular Protection 1. Antioxidants a. Glutathione b. Vitamins A, C, E c. Uric acid 2. Enzymes a. Catalase b. Superoxide Dismutase
Glutathione Reduced Form Oxidized Form
Superoxide Neutralization
Superoxide Dismutase
Oxidative Phosphorylation Mitchell’s Chemiosmotic Process 1. Intact inner mitochondrial membrane 2. Movement of electrons “pumps” protons 3. Proton gradient drives formation of ATP
Oxidative Phosphorylation Electron Transport
ATP Synthase (Complex V)
ATP Synthase (Complex V)
Oxidative Phosphorylation Requirements 1. Proton Gradient 2. ADP
Oligomycin - ATP Synthase Inhibitor
Respiratory Control 1. Tightly coupled vs. Uncoupled 2. Requires intact mitochondrial inner membrane 3. ETS and oxidative phosphorylation are interdependent 4. Stopping either will stop the other
Respiratory Control
The “Magic” Diet Drug That Kills 2,4 Dinitrophenol (2,4 DNP)