OCED 5233: Advanced Instructional Procedures PowerPoint Slide Examples OCED 5483: Digital and Virtual Environments VR Research Articles Presentation Carissa Foster Riser OCED 5233: Advanced Instructional Procedures PowerPoint Slide Examples
The Potential and Uniqueness of Virtual Environments for Education by Leslie A. Bennett The purpose of this article was to describe the unique characteristics of VEs that make them an effective venue for online learning. These characteristics include: Which characteristic do you feel is most important? Why?
Virtual Reality for Interactive Training: an Industrial Practitioner’s Viewpoint by Robert Stone This article explores the uses of virtual reality in training situations. The purpose of this article was to review some of the human performance results to emerge from the academic and commercial application of VR technologies. Before going on, think about some possible benefits of virtual reality in training situations. Discuss with classmates.
Stone begins by drawing attention to a study done by Fletcher (1996) in which he showed that the use of “interactive multimedia instruction” resulted in impressive performance figures, which suggest an improvement in attainment from the 50th to 75th percentile. In fact, other studies show that when compared to conventional delivery techniques, computer-based instruction is associated with a reduction of about 30% in the time required to achieve course objectives. In more recent studies of VR simulators where trainees are learning to maintain and repair equipment using simulated equipment compared to actual equipment, performance improvements from the 50th to 66th percentile were reported. What are the primary reasons this is considered a poorly designed PowerPoint Slide?