President Thomas Jefferson 1801-1809
Background Wrote Declaration of Independence Ambassador to France 1st Secretary of State under George Washington Democratic-Republican Author of the Virginia/Kentucky Resolutions Made the argument that states could nullify a federal law they deemed unconstitutional This applied to Adams’ Alien and Sedition Acts
Revolution of 1800 Election of 1800 referred to as the Revolution of 1800 The Federalists drastically lost popularity due to the Alien and Sedition Acts and because of the Quasi War with France This is referred to as the Revolution of 1800 because it was the first peaceful transition of power from one to political party to another
Jeffersonian Simplicity Emphasized agricultural based economy State/Individual rights Opposed National bank/protective tariff “Strict interpretation of the Constitution” Greatest accomplishment—Louisiana Purchase (1803) Bought from Napoleon for $.12 per acre Doubled the size of the United States Dilemma—Doesn’t state anything in the Constitution about making this purchase
Lewis and Clark Captain Meriweather Lewis and Lieutenant William Clark were ordered by President Jefferson to explore this new territory for the following reasons: Increase knowledge of scientific knowledge and geography of the acquired land Strengthen the claims to Oregon territory Increase trade relations with the Native Tribes
Jefferson and the court Chief Justice John Marshall (Federalist) and President Jefferson would battle throughout Jefferson’s presidency
Marbury vs. Madison Jefferson wanted to block last minute appointments made by John Adams Jefferson ordered Sec. of State James Madison not to deliver the commission of William Marbury William Marbury sued for his appointment Marbury won, but lost??? The main principle established was that of Judicial Review
Jefferson’s 2nd Term Jefferson beats Thomas Pinckney (Federalist) winning all but 14 of the 176 electoral votes.
Aaron Burr Aaron Burr (Quid) was not chosen to be Jefferson’s 2nd term VP Burr planned to win the NY gubernatorial election and uniting that state with New England and then lead those states to secede from the Union. Burr lost the election
Burr kills Hamilton In 1804 Aaron Burr kills Alexander Hamilton in the most famous duel in United States History In 1806, Aaron Burr is tried (and acquitted off treason) when he planned to conquer Mexico and unite it with Louisiana.
Jefferson’s Difficulties Barbary Pirates off the coast of North African coast began seizing merchant ships. The Pasha of Tripoli demanded Jefferson to pay a tribute in order for the US to regain its merchant ships. Jefferson refuses and fights a limited naval war from 1801-1805 resulting in a level of respect.
U.S. neutrality 2. During the Napoleonic Wars both France and G.B. continued to impress U.S. ships In 1807, the Chesapeake-Leopard affair occurred when the British ship (Leopard) fired and killed three U.S. sailors aboard the Chesapeake
Jefferson’s Reaction 3. Embargo Act-In 1807 (repealed in 1809), Jefferson foolishly signs the Embargo Act in to law stating that the U.S. will not trade with either France or G.B. until the Napoleonic Wars conclude Result: Economic hardship for the U.S., the depression was so bad that New England states began a movement to secede from the Union