Welcome Kids, Parents, and Teachers! *RESOURCES* INTRODUCTION Welcome Kids, Parents, and Teachers! “Wee Recyclers is Our Name; Recycling and Reusing is Our Game!” Made for 4th graders This lesson introduces the topic Recycling. If your kids don't know the basics of earth-friendly living, now is a perfect time to introduce them to the small concepts that can make a big difference. “Whether it's talking about what goes into the trash or learning how to make compost, teaching kids the principles of recycling starts with the parent's own behavior." INTRO PROCESS Task 1 & 2 EVALUATION TEACHER PAGE CONCLUSION
PROCESS: Concepts to Be Covered Many items can be recycled. *RESOURCES* Concepts to Be Covered Many items can be recycled. Students can be responsible for recycling. Natural resources can be conserved through recycling efforts. Goals for the Lesson The student will name and describe recyclable items. The student will reuse and/or recycle items from their home into something useable The student will write a descriptive and order paragraph about their project The student will give an oral presentation about his/her project. INTRO PROCESS Task 1 & 2 EVALUATION TEACHER PAGE CONCLUSION
TASK 1 *RESOURCES* Monday-Recycling/Reusing and Project Assignment Explain to students what recycling means. Have student’s get in to groups of 3 and brainstorm on a sheet of paper what they think recyclable items contain. Have the groups share with the class their brainstorming ideas. Assign a project that will be due in a week containing something they created out of recyclable items found inside their home. Send letter home to parent explaining the need of their help as well (found on resource page). Tuesday-Descriptive paragraph for recycling project Introduce some creative recycle project examples to the class. Go over editing checklist with students to prepare them for their rough draft (found on resource page). Ask each student to get out a piece of paper and pencil and start brainstorming about what they are going to do for their projects. Have them start making a rough draft for their paper to be presented with their projects on Monday. INTRO PROCESS Task 1 & 2 EVALUATION TEACHER PAGE CONCLUSION
FUN HALLOWEEN ACTIVITY TASK 2 *RESOURCES* WEDNESDAY-Paragraph rough draft cont… Have student’s keep working on their paper. Construct a work corner where one group at a time gets independent help with teacher. Have remaining students work silently until their group is called. THURSDAY-Self-Edit, Peer-Edit, Revise, and Final Copy of Written Paper Have student’s switch papers with each other to peer-edit and revise the paper. Go over checklist with them one more time to make sure they understand what is needed for a well-written paper. For homework, have then paint a 2 liter bottle black to prepare for the fun activity on Friday. Also, I would suggest to any teacher to have some extra bottles painted just in-case that one student forgets to bring it in. FRIDAY-Fun Activity for Halloween With all the hard work from student’s working on their paper, this fun activity not only gives them a break from learning, but also helps the understanding of a recycled 2 liter. Before class ends, make sure to let them know that both the paper and project will be presented to the class on Monday. FUN HALLOWEEN ACTIVITY INTRO PROCESS Task 1 & 2 EVALUATION TEACHER PAGE CONCLUSION
Assessment Sheet Used for Student Presentations Name: Project: Max. Earned: Volume (20 points possible): Eye Contact (20 points possible): Introduction (20 points possible): Description (20 points possible): Directions (20 points possible): Totals (100 points possible): Grade: *RESOURCES* INTRO PROCESS Task 1 & 2 EVALUATION TEACHER PAGE CONCLUSION
What You Need: What You Do: *RESOURCES* Wash and dry bottle completely. Paint entire surface and bottle cap with black paint and let dry Use patterns to cut out 2 wings and 2 ears from the black craft foam. Cut collar from white felt, neck tie from red felt, bowtie from red felt and 2 fangs from white craft foam. When paint is dry, glue the white collar around the bottle neck, then glue the red neck tie on top of the white collar, centering it. Glue the bow tie to the center of the red neck tie. Glue the ears to the back of the bottle top so that they are sticking up and visible. Glue the wiggle eyes to the front of the bottle top and the fangs right below it. Glue 3 buttons to the front of the bottle. Glue wings to the sides. Teachers: Have them paint their 2 liter bottle black the night before at home, so that way it is already set to go when class resumes on Friday morning. *RESOURCES* What You Need: empty 2 liter plastic bottle black acrylic craft paint 2 medium wiggle eyes scraps of white and red felt 1/2 sheet black craft foam 3 large purple buttons small scrap of white craft foam paint brush hot glue gun scissors Patterns-----Click here for pattern cut out! INTRO PROCESS Task 1 & 2 EVALUATION TEACHER PAGE CONCLUSION
T E A C H R P G *RESOURCES* About Me Hi, my name is Ashley Barnes. I have been teaching 4th grade for about 2 years now. I’ve taught 2nd and 3rd grade, but I really enjoy 4th grade the most so far. I am married to my wonderful husband Tony, and I have a 9 year old step-son named Jaxon. I plan to keep teaching in grades k-6 State Standards Addressed: (4.2.D) Renewable and Nonrenewable Resources; Identify By-Products and Their Use of Natural Resources; Identify Those Items That Can Be Recycled and Those That Cannot; and Identify Use of Reusable Products INTRO PROCESS Task 1 & 2 EVALUATION TEACHER PAGE CONCLUSION
RECYCLE! REUSE! REDUCE! RESPECT! CONCLUSION: *RESOURCES* CONCLUSION: Now kids, you are on your way to saving our EARTH! I hope you enjoyed this lesson as much as I’ve enjoyed teaching it. I hope you will pass along to friends and family how important it is to recycle and reuse items. Thanks for joining me. Always remember to: RECYCLE! REUSE! REDUCE! RESPECT! INTRO PROCESS Task 1 & 2 EVALUATION TEACHER PAGE CONCLUSION
RESOURCES A-Z Teacher Stuff---WEBSITE LETTER –Letter to parent about home-made project Editing Checklist. Checklist used for paragraph structure RECYCLE CITY Click for a fun game to help children to better understand recycling. INTRO PROCESS Task 1 & 2 EVALUATION TEACHER PAGE CONCLUSION