Five years of reconstruction Regional Environmental Reconstruction Programme for South Eastern Europe (REReP) Five years of reconstruction and EU approximation Yordanka Minkova REReP Project Manager
New REReP publication History of REReP Institution building; Five major sections History of REReP Project implementation cover the period 2003 – 2005 Institution building; Support to environmental civil society; Support to environmental regional cooperation mechanisms and cross-border projects; Reducing environmental health threats and the loss of biodiversity.
History of REReP Skopje meeting in March, 2000 REReP mechanism revised and linked to SAP REReP Task Force Secretariat of REReP Task Force REReP Stakeholders and partners Donor support mechanism
REReP Stakeholders and Partners The countries of the region European Union member states and the European Commission Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe EEA and EAR Other donor countries: Norway, Switzerland, United States, Japan International organisations: UNEP, OSCE, World Conservation Union, UNDP, UESCO Nongovernmental organisations International financial institutions: World Bank, EBRD, EIB, Council of Europe Development Bank
Recent developments Political context REReP Independent External Review REReP Future Paper “The way forward”
Institution Building The Priority Environmental Investment Programme (PEIP) for SEE supports national environmental investment planning Assistance in Environmental Law Drafting in South Eastern Europe Strengthening Environmental Implementation and Enforcement in SEE Countries within the SAP. ECENA (former BERCEN) Support for Acceptance and Implementation of Multilateral Environmental Agreements in South and Eastern Europe Projects in this area cover assistance in policy development — including strategies and action plans, law drafting, capacity building and institutional development Within this priority area, REReP has also assisted countries in establishing expert networks to promote the exchange of experience among countries. Dialogue has been fostered through study visits, seminars, meetings, and training sessions
Institution Building Promotion of integration of environmental concerns into sectoral policies in South Eastern Europe Local Environmental Action Plans in the Western Balkans Capacity Building for Implementation of UNECE SEA Protocol in SEE Countries Projects in this area cover assistance in policy development — including strategies and action plans, law drafting, capacity building and institutional development Within this priority area, REReP has also assisted countries in establishing expert networks to promote the exchange of experience among countries. Dialogue has been fostered through study visits, seminars, meetings, and training sessions
Support to environmental civil society Regional Initiatives for Sustainable Development in the Western Balkans Support to the Environmental Non-governmental Organisations in Bosnia and Herzegovina Trust Fund for Locally Initiated Environmental Projects - Albania Danube Regional Project Small Grants component Access to Information and Public Participation component: Support to civil society has been a REReP priority from the very beginning. It serves as a vital element in ensuring that investments made during reconstruction reflect broad public interest and that democratically based, institutional capacities are truly embedded. -was seen as contributing to democratic development, national and international stability and security and solution of environmental problems of the Balkan region.
Support to environmental civil society Balkan Bytes: Environmental NGO Electronic Networking in South Eastern Europe Connecting Networks Raising Environmental Consciousness through Environmental Education and Information Programme Networking of SEE environmental NGOs Support to civil society has been a REReP priority from the very beginning. It serves as a vital element in ensuring that investments made during reconstruction reflect broad public interest and that democratically based, institutional capacities are truly embedded. -was seen as contributing to democratic development, national and international stability and security and solution of environmental problems of the Balkan region.
Support to environmental regional cooperation mechanisms and cross-border projects Facilitation of Cross-Border Cooperation in SEE Promotion of Cross-Border Cooperation, Networking and Exchanges in South Eastern Europe Cross-border Municipal Environmental Cooperation in the Drina River Basin Balkan Plant Conservation Network Sava River Commission – Technical, Legal, Stakeholder, and Secretariat The countries of the region identified cross border cooperation as a priority area and took further steps to enhance it. The number of cross border memoranda of understanding, agreements and initiatives has rapidly increased. Senior officials met to exchange information, views and experience on the current status of cross border cooperation as well as to define priorities and needs
Reducing environmental health threats and the loss of biodiversity Balkan Biodiversity Conservation Forum Environment and Security (EnvSec) Initiative in South-Eastern Europe IUCN Office in Belgrade