Software Process Improvement in Small Organizations Ardalan Yousefi
Outline Overview Benefits of SPI Why not use well-known SPI models? Competisoft ISO 29110 for VSEs VSE: Very small enterprises having up to 25 employees
Overview 85% of all software organizations are small companies Less than 50 employees Not just a scaled-down version of large firms Different business goals Extremely responsive and flexible Flat structure Encourage entrepreneurship and innovation Focus on a specific market niche Why are small software companies different? P1,2 In many countries including the US, Brazil, Canada, India, Ireland, etc. Because of different characteristics, scaled-down versions of SPIs cannot be applied to small organizations.
Benefits of SPI Is software process improvement really necessary in small software companies? Greater software product quality Decreased development risk Increased competitiveness Facilitation of marketing Higher potential to export In 2006, A working group in ISO/IEC (International Organization for Standardization/International Electrotechnical Commission) conducted a survey to collect relevant information from 392 (VSEs) very small enterprises . VSE p6 Marketing facilitation: better image
Prominent SPI Models Well-known SPI standards not applicable to small companies Difficult and bureaucratic Inadequate guidance and support Too costly for small enterprises More guidance with examples Lightweight and easy-to-understand standards complete with templates Costly -> in terms of cost, time, and resources (not enough staff to perform and monitor a complete SPI approach) CMMI for small settings: leaves the decision of what parts of CMMI to follow to the organizations - Just a couple of general suggestions CMMI for Small Settings No concrete instructions
Competisoft A software process improvement and certification framework developed by researchers and companies from 11 Latin American countries plus Spain and Portugal
Process Reference Model Specifically designed for small companies Contains guidelines and examples Categories Processes Top Management Business Management Middle Management Process Management Project Management Resource Management Operation Specific Project Administration Software Development Software Maintenance Compare with 22 process areas of CMMI Process Reference Model guidelines and examples: process self-assessment questionnaire Examples of deployment guidelines for requirements, analysis and design, construciton, etc. Techniques Specific work products Support tool suggestions An application example Recommended bibliography High direction category with only one process: business management Strategic planning of the organization, such as definition of organizational mission, mission, vision, and values. Intercompany connectivity Resource Management Record and store experiences from all projects from all organizational levels Formal yet lightweight documentation Configuration Management
Evaluation Model A set of measures for estimating the capability and performance of software processes Capability measures Performance measures Based on purpose, description, work products, and activities from the Competisoft Reference Model Level Process Capability Level 5 Optimizing Level 4 Predictable Level 3 Established Level 2 Managed Level 1 Performed Level 0 Incomplete Capability measures similar to capability levels in CMMI, evaluated based on generic practices (like generic goals in CMMI) Performance measures: help estimate the performance of software processes
Improvement Model A lightweight process for economically running improvement programs in small organizations Iterative and incremental Composed of one or more improvement cycles Initiating the cycle Diagnosing the process Formulating improvements Executing improvements Revising the cycle Influenced by IDEAL Influenced by XP and Scrum A guide for implementing an improvement cycle IDEAL: a model developed by Software Engineering Institute which can be used to guide development of a long-range, integrated plan for initiating and managing an SPI program.
ISO 29110 Published in 2010 by ISO A subset of ISO/IEC 12207 and MoProSoft applicable to VSEs Tailored to fit VSE needs In May 2005, International Organization for Standardization established a new working group called WG24 to work on developing a software process improvement profile for small organizations. ISO/IEC 12207 is an international standard for software lifecycle processes. It aims to be the standard that defines all the tasks required for developing and maintaining software. Morprosoft: one of the standards CompetiSoft is based on.
ISO 29110 Guides Assessment Guide Management and Engineering Guide ISO/IEC 29110-3 Management and Engineering Guide ISO/IEC 29110-5-1-2 Single application, single project team Provides guidance on Project Management and Software Implementation Processes Assessment guide: a process for performing an assessment of a VSE’s software process to determine process capabilities and the organizational process maturity.
Software Implementation Process General practices and activities
Deployment Packages Deployment Packages A set of artifacts facilitating the implementation of a set of practices, of the selected framework, in a VSE. Deployment Package: help implement the project management & software implementation processes
Deployment Package Contents Technical Description Purpose of this document Why this Topic is important? Definitions Relationships with ISO/IEC 29110 Overview of Processes, Activities, Tasks, Roles and Products Description of Processes, Activities, Tasks, Steps, Roles and Products Role Description Product Description Artifact Description Template Example Checklist Tool References to Other Standards and Models References Evaluation Form 3. Which activity of a process in the management and engineering guide is covered each activity has a set of roles, each of which is done by a number of roles example: Process: Software Implementation (SI) - Activity: SI.3 Software Architectural and Detailed Design 4. Products: input & output products (like documents in ICSM) 5. Artifact: optional documents that can facilitate the documentation of a project 10. e.g. ISO 9001, ISO/IEC 12207, CMMI
Summary SPI standards such as CMMI or ISO/IEC 15504 not suitable for small organizations Several research groups are developing SPI models specifically designed for small companies Most of these models are very new Evidence of success? ISO/IEC 15504 & CMMI have been around since the early 90s. Plenty of empirical data.
References I. Richardson and C. Gresse von Wangenheim, “Why are small software organizations different?,” Software, IEEE, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 18-22, 2007. C. Y. Laporte, S. Alexandre and R. V. O'Connor, "A Software Engineering Lifecycle Standard for Very Small Enterprises," Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol. 16, pp. 129-141, 2008. H. Oktaba, F. Garcia, M. Piattini, F. Ruiz, F. J. Pino and C. Alquicira, "Software Process Improvement: The Competisoft Project," Computer, vol. 40, no. 10, pp. 21-28, October 2007.
References (contd.) B. McFeeley, "IDEAL: A Users Guide for Software Process Improvement" February 1996. [Online]. Available: S. Garcia, “Thoughts on Applying CMMI in Small Settings" 2005. [Online]. Available: S. Garcia, S. Cepeda, M. J. Staley and G. Miluk “Lessons Learned from Adopting CMMI for Small Organizations" 2005. [Online]. Available:
References (contd.) ISO/IEC 29110-5-1-2 “Deployment Packages for the Generic Profile Group for VSEs Developing Systems and/or Software”. [Online]. Available:
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