RLGS Status / LCC B. Pätz, DLR/MUSC
Actions to be performed External tests to freeze LCC SW Web I/F to SSAs LOR I/F to RGS Update FOP according inputs from last LOWG and GRM tests Documentation Consolidated RLGS documentation list Rosetta Lander Workshop 03-04/02/2003
Rosetta Lander Workshop 03-04/02/2003 External Tests LCC Web interface => internal load test successfully performed => ready for external tests and training with SSAs Creation of Operational Requests (SOR) Status of Operational Requests Web client (real time TM monitoring) Data export automatic (FTP) and manual raw and calibrated Lander State Vector Rosetta Lander Workshop 03-04/02/2003
Rosetta Lander Workshop 03-04/02/2003 External Tests RGS Interface => LOR template changed after SVT-2 => Automatic CSU handling available Creation of CSU files for each CDMS and SD2 (EEPROM refresh) and transfer to RSOC Server Check ACK from RSOC server Processing at RMOC to establish TC sequence (Duration up to several days) Creation of LOR to request SW upload by calling TC sequence and transfer to RSOC server Processing at RMOC to create MTL and TC verification file Check POR and TC verification file availability on DDS Rosetta Lander Workshop 03-04/02/2003
Flight Operations Plan - FOP Current version: FOP Issue 3.2, 16/12/2002 No Lander related changes since FOP issue 3.0, 18/11/2002 FOP is still applicable and no item to change before information on new launch date and mission scenario Requested changes to FOP from PIs / Subsystems are still valid and under work by SONC / LCC / RMOC SCOP signature not finished Rosetta Lander Workshop 03-04/02/2003
Status of FOP change requests ESS CVP update (Add ESS redundant, TX and RX register readout) Input by SSA on basis of CVP and GRM test SOR: open (SSA/LCC) TVR: ok GRM: ok Procedure update to RMOC: pending on open SOR Rosetta Lander Workshop 03-04/02/2003
Status of FOP change requests Lander ON/OFF FCP update (Implement fast PSS HK before switch OFF LCL) Input by LCC on basis of FCP SOR: open (LCC) TVR: N/A GRM: N/A Procedure update to RMOC: pending on open SOR Rosetta Lander Workshop 03-04/02/2003
Status of FOP change requests NEA release CVP update (Upgrade TM verification, definition of contingency proc.) Input by SSA on basis of FCP test SOR: open (SSA/LCC) TVR: open GRM: open Procedure update to RMOC: open Rosetta Lander Workshop 03-04/02/2003
Status of FOP change requests CDMS / CONSERT quiet mode CVP update (Modify CDMS or CONSERT SW, adapt CVP) Decision on SW change first EOR: open (SONC) TVR: open GRM: open Procedure update to RMOC: open Rosetta Lander Workshop 03-04/02/2003
Status of FOP change requests CIVA new CVP (replacement of existing CVP due to technical constraints) EOR: open (SONC) TVR: sent, ok pending GRM: ok Procedure update to RMOC: pending on open EOR Rosetta Lander Workshop 03-04/02/2003
Status of FOP change requests SD2 carousel movement (Additional CVP) EOR: open (SONC) TVR: open GRM: open Procedure update to RMOC: open Confirmation by Rosetta Project: open Rosetta Lander Workshop 03-04/02/2003
Status of FOP change requests CIVA / SD2 joint operation (Additional CVP) EOR: open (SONC) TVR: open GRM: open Procedure update to RMOC: open Confirmation by Rosetta Project: open Rosetta Lander Workshop 03-04/02/2003
Rosetta Lander Workshop 03-04/02/2003 Schedule External tests LOR I/F to RGS => February 2003 (TBC) Web I/F to SSAs => February 2003 Update FOP => until April 2003 Documentation Consolidated RLGS documentation list => May 2003 Rosetta Lander Workshop 03-04/02/2003