Assessment Tool DRA Developmental Reading Assessment Maria Daniela Garcia EDCI-682 Assessment in Early Childhood Education
Authors Joetta Beaver With a bachelor of science in elementary education and master's degree in reading from The Ohio State University, Joetta Beaver served for 30 years as an elementary teacher (K-5) and reading teacher, as well as a K-5 Language Arts/Assessment coordinator and an Early Education teacher-leader. Joetta is the primary author of the DRA2 K-3 and DRA2 Word Analysis, and co-author of the DRA2 4-8 as well as the DRA2 Progress Monitoring Assessment.
Authors Mark Carter PhD Mark Carter worked as an elementary and middle school teacher for 35 years. During this time Mark also served as a district Instructional Specialist and Teacher Leader for Student Assessment for Upper Arlington Schools. He conducted numerous seminars, and co-authored the DRA2 4-8 as well as other educational resources for teachers. He received his doctorate of philosophy from The Ohio State University and taught a variety of graduate courses in education as an adjunct professor for both The Ohio State University and Ashland University.
What is DRA? Is a reading assessment tool designed to help teachers systematically observe, record, and evaluate changes in student reading performance. It features tools to assess: reading engagement Fluency Comprehension Reading strengths and weaknesses Instruction to meet individual needs
DRA2 Grades K-3 (Print) The Process: By following the straightforward, four-step process, the DRA2 Benchmark Assessment pinpoints student strengths, abilities, and needs. Step 1: Reading Engagement Observe Student reading habits, preferences, and goals Step 2: Oral Reading Fluency Analyze and record oral reading Step 3: Comprehension Evaluate how well students understand the information they have read Step 4: Teacher Analysis Use Assessment results to personalize instruction to meet the needs of every learner
The Package The DRA2+ K-3 Comprehensive Package includes: DRA2 Benchmark Assessment (K-3 Teacher's Guide, 1 set of 23 grades K-1 Benchmark Books, 3 sets of 22 grades 2-4 Benchmark Books, Spiral-bound Blackline Masters Book, Blackline Masters CD (with PDFs), Laminated Assessment Procedures Overview Card with Record of Oral Reading Guidelines, Training DVD, Timing Calculation Clipboard, Organizer with hanging folders, 30 Student Assessment Folders) DRA2 Word Analysis Kit (Teacher Resource Book, Student Assessment Book and Training CD) DRA2 Progress Monitoring Assessment (Progress Monitoring Teacher's Guide, Blackline Masters CD with 95 leveled passages, and 16 Instructional Routine Cards)
DRA2 Grades 4-8 (Print) The Process: By following the straightforward, four-step process, the DRA2 Benchmark Assessment pinpoints student strengths, abilities, and needs Step 1: Reading Engagement Observe Student reading habits, preferences, and goals Step 2: Oral Reading Fluency Analyze and record oral reading Step 3: Comprehension Evaluate how well students understand the information they have read Step 4: Teacher Analysis Use Assessment results to personalize instruction to meet the needs of every learner
The Package The DRA2+ 4-8 Comprehensive Package includes: DRA2 Benchmark Assessment (4-8 Teacher's Guide, 3 sets of 28 Benchmark Books levels 20-80, Spiral-bound Blackline Masters Book, Blackline Masters CD (with PDFs), Laminated Assessment Procedures Overview Card with Record of Oral Reading Guidelines, Training DVD, Timing Calculation Clipboard, Organizer with hanging folders, 30 Student Assessment Folders) DRA2 Progress Monitoring Assessment (Progress Monitoring Teacher's Guide, Blackline Masters CD with 95 leveled passages, and 16 Instructional Routine Cards)
DRA Web App Makes the reading assessment even simpler. Archive DRA2+ records online from any computer with internet access. Quickly retrieve student data to share with parents or administrators. Provides immediate results and reporting. Determines a reading plan using the appropriate DRA measure. Provide powerful instruction based on precise information that is available instantly. Create flexible groups instantly.
Support Information Discipline: Literacy Copyright: 2012 Grade(s): K - 8 Program Type: Supplemental, Leveled Reader Delivery Method: Print Device: Smartphone, Tablet, Computer Operating System: iOS, Windows, Mac OS Funding Sources: IDEA, Title I
Research Development of the DRA2 was based on what educators and the extant research literature identified as being key characteristics and behaviors of good readers. The DRA2 is founded on a number of premises drawn from various sources, including the research literature concerning reading development and instruction.
Reliability The following reliability analyses were performed during DRA2 development: Internal consistency reliability Passage equivalency Test-retest reliability Interrater and expert rater reliabilities
Table 3. DRA2: Cronbach’s Alpha Level Oral Fluency Comprehension 4 0.784 0.818 6 0.849 0.805 8 0.680 0.778 10 0.736 0.825 12 0.758 0.853 14 0.542 .0779 16 0.731 0.583 18 0.614 0.816 20 0.725 0.739 24 0.710 28 0.788 0.693 30 0.717 34 0.745 0.636 38 0.611 0.655 40 0.762 0.722 50 0.785 0.759 60 70 0.621 0.728 80 0.622 0.730
Validity The DRA2 is a valid measurement of accuracy, fluency, and comprehension, as evidenced by the following validity measures: Criterion-related validity Construct validity Content validity
Validity To examine the DRA2’s concurrent validity, DRA2 scores were correlated with scores from other well-known, previously validated tests of reading comprehension and fluency. Specifically, the relationship between the DRA2 and: Gray’s Oral Reading Test-4th Edition (GORT-4; Weiderholt & Bryant, 2001) DIBELS Oral Reading Fluency Test-6th Edition (DORF; Good, Kaminski, & Dill, 2002) Gates MacGinitie Reading Test-4th Edition (MacGinitie, MacGinitie, Maria, & Dreyer, 2002) was examined.
Table 12. Correlations between DRA2 and Other Reading Tests DRA2 Score Grade Range n GORT-4: Comprehension Gates MaCGinitie: Comprehension GORT-4: Fluency DORF (Median Score) Comprehension 1-3 4-6 All 66 57 123 .60 .68 -- .77 (n=17) .65 .71 .74 .70 .64 .62 Fluency .61 .69 .73 (n=17) .75 .76
Bilingual Program Research-based and widely field tested, the “Evaluacion del desarrollo de la lectura” Segunda Edicion K-6 (EDL2), helps students become independent successful readers by giving educators the right mix of tools needed to assess accuracy, fluency, and comprehension in students’ native language—Spanish.
DRA2 Progress Monitoring Assessment The DRA2 Progress Monitoring Assessment includes brief passages DRA levels 4-60 so that teachers may regularly observe and record reading behaviors of students between Benchmark Assessments. Administer the DRA2 Progress Monitoring Assessment to ensure that reading deficits are being addressed. Monitor oral reading rate Track oral reading accuracy Evaluate comprehension skills Analyze vocabulary and word recognition * Also available for EDL2, Análisis de palabras
DRA Word Analysis Observe and Assess Foundational Skills The DRA2 Word Analysis assesses skills related to Phonological Awareness, Metalanguage, Letter/Word Recognition, Phonics and Structural Analysis/ Syllabication. Administer Word Analysis to emerging and struggling readers to help students develop the skills needed for reading proficiency. Consists of 40 word-analysis tasks that assess a student's level of control Covers five strands, including Phonological Awareness, Metalanguage, Letter/Word Recognition, Phonics and Structural Analysis Provides subtests that measure specific skills and application of strategies * Also available for EDL2, Análisis de palabras
Price Product Price Product Price DRA2+ K-3 Comprehensive Package $422.97 DRA2 K-3 Comprehensive Package $320.47 DRA2 K-3 Upgrade $200.47 DRA2 K-3 Student Folder 30-pack $41.47 DRA2 Progress Monitoring Assessment, Classroom Package $149.47 Product Price DRA2+ 4-8 Comprehensive Package $367.47 DRA2 4-8 Comprehensive Package $258.97 DRA2 4-8 Upgrade Package $200.47 DRA2 4-8 Student Folder 30-pack $41.47 DRA2 Progress Monitoring Assessment, Classroom Package $149.47 Price
DRA assessment in action!