A47 / A12 Corridor Improvement schemes Local Enterprise Partnership 23 February 2017
£2 billion invested this Road Period Road Investment Strategy (December 2014) Roads period April 2015 – March 2020 Context - Road Investment Strategy £15.2 billion investment in our major roads Over 1,300 additional lane miles Resurfacing 80% of the Strategic Road Network East of England Investment 17 major road schemes; including - Upgrading the A428 and Black Cat roundabout Phase 1 of works to upgrade the A12 M11 technology upgrade and Junction 7 upgrade A47 improvements Strategic studies (informing Roads Period 2) Oxford to Cambridge Expressway Study A1 East of England Study £2 billion invested this Road Period
Wansford to Sutton RIS Commitment Dualling of the A47 between the A1 and the dual carriageway section west of Peterborough
A47/A141 Guyhirn Junction RIS Commitment Creation of a new, larger junction linking the A47 and A141.
Project Control Framework Highways England Major Projects governance structure. Maps out the development of a major project. Stage 1 was concluded at the end of 2016. Stage 2 started in January 2017.
Progress through Stage 0 - 1 Apr 2014 Previous route strategy feasibility studies completed Road Investment Strategy (RIS) published and commissioning of Strategy, Shaping and Prioritisation works Dec 2014 – Apr 2015 Data gathering/review, scheme development, and early stakeholder events May 2015 – Nov 2015 Options phase commenced and initiation of Options Identification Dec 2015 – current Initial engagement with key stakeholders Surveys (incl. traffic & environmental surveys) Traffic model development
Challenges ahead for the A47 Geographical constraints. Political/public expectations. Construction sequence and obtaining maximum programme efficiencies. Approach to statutory process – Programme, localised or singular submissions.
Stage 2 activities Non-Statutory Public Consultation. Further stakeholder engagement. Further environmental surveys. Further design development. Value engineering. Refine cost estimate. Refine economic assessment. Assessment of options. Production of pre-construction information. Selection and announcement of Preferred Route.
Project Timeline March – April 2017 Non-statutory consultation on scheme options Autumn 2017 Announcement of preferred route Ongoing Development of preferred scheme Winter 2017/18 Formal consultation on preferred scheme Autumn 2018 Submission of development consent application (DCO) Winter 2019 Secretary of State decision Spring 2020 Start of works
Non-Statutory Consultation Non Statutory Consultation planned for March – April 2017 Consultation provides an important opportunity for Highways England to gain a better understanding of the views and expectations of local people, businesses, public authorities, communities and road-users. Opportunity to provide interested parties with up-to-date information on the scheme’s progress and to gain an early understanding of public opinion and preferences. Officially providing information on potential options for consideration Exhibition events, online, deposit points
Contacts: a47CorridorimprovementRIS@highwaysengland.co.uk David Masters – Senior Project Manager (Highways England) David.masters@highwaysengland.co.uk Aaron Douglas and Romeu Rosa – Project Managers (Highways England) Aaron.Douglas@highwaysengland.co.uk Romeu.Rosa@highwaysengland.co.uk
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