Charlotta Heimersson, LAG manager, Leader Norra Mälarstranden, Sweden ”Decentralisation of project selection at LAG level: example Sweden”
Leader in Sweden 63 LAG:s, 12 were previous in Leader + LAG:s are NGO associations Variations in size and budgets Variations in size of staff Training for LAG:s from MA and NRN
Differences from Leader + MA on national and regional level Distance between LAG:s and national MA+PA Different opportunities The LAG:s would prefer one national Leader authorothy
Financial issues LAG:s has to provide 50% of the national co-funding or the projects will have to find it! Most LAG:s in Sweden have already obtained the 50% in advance All national co-funding gets paid to the beneficiary simultaneously with the RDP grant
Decisionmaking process Project development LAG Project management LAG Publication of calls LAG Reception of applications LAG Project assessment LAG Project ranking LAG Final selection to MA LAG
Decisionmaking process Formal project approval, including fixing the amount of support: regional MA Payment of claims, including advance payment: PA through regional MA, LAG Control tasks: regional MA, national MA, PA Project execution monitoring: regional MA, national MA, PA and LAG
Bottlenecks Leader bottom-up approach vs the control system within the RDP Large variations in LAG budgets and also great variations in capacity and resources at the regional MA:s in Sweden
Good practice The co-funding usually obtained by LAG The LAG:s decision making rules and the transparency of the Open and constructive dialogue between the LAG:s and MA:s Support to LAG:s from the NRN Support and training from MA:s