DCP Exercise RUMBLE Kalgoorlie Boulder Welcome to the annual DCP ‘Westplan – Welfare’ Kalgoorlie/Boulder Local Welfare Plan Exercise Kalgoorlie Boulder
An hour's flight east from Perth, Kalgoorlie Boulder is the hub of the goldfields and one of Western Australia's largest cities. Still active as a mining town, Kalgoorlie-Boulder's has wide streets and grand old buildings. Travel to the region is by bus, train, plane or car. From wild and heady origins as a frontier town where fortunes were sought, to the prosperous, bustling 'Kal' of today, Kalgoorlie's rich heritage permeates the town and gives it a distinctive character. Turn of the century architecture, including the magnificent Boulder Town Hall, the red outback just beyond the settlement's streets and nearby ghost towns make this area fascinating to visitors.
Kalgoorlie Boulder is one of the most important mining areas in the world. After Paddy Hannan found gold in the area in 1893, the town's population soared to 30,000. Today the population is again up to 30,000, after the discovery of nickel deposits in the north of the goldfields. The towns Kalgoorlie and Boulder amalgamated in 1989. Until then they were separate towns side by side. Boulder's main street, Burt Street, is five kilometres from Kalgoorlie's centre, Hannan Street. Boulder was named after The Great Boulder Mine, the first mine on the Golden Mile. In September, renowned horse race the Boulder and Kalgoorlie Cup takes place at the 100 year old Racing Round. Crowds from all over the State come to enjoy the town's festive atmosphere.
Special Idea 1 The date is today and the time is now. A large rain bearing depression from ex-Tropical Cyclone Bruce is to the north west of town and the forecast is for a possible storm in the next 24 hours. The town has been shocked by a large explosion in the main shopping centre. Early reports suggest that the explosion was sparked by a gas leak. While information is still sketchy, it is known that part of the shopping centre has collapsed and there are a large number of trapped and injured people. The numbers of deaths is not known at this time. Casualties are expected to be at least 100. The date is today and the time is now. A large rain bearing depression from ex-Tropical Cyclone Bruce is to the north west of town and the forecast is for a possible storm in the next 24 hours. The town has been shocked by a large explosion in the main shopping centre. Early reports suggest that the explosion was sparked by a gas leak. While information is still sketchy, it is known that part of the shopping centre has collapsed and there are a large number of trapped and injured people. The numbers of deaths is not known at this time. Casualties are expected to be at least 100.
Syndicate Exercise 1 What organisation is the HMA for this event and what organisations would be called on to support the response and recovery phases? What is the role of the DCP in this situation and how will the DCP be activated? How will your organisation/agency support the DCP in this situation?
Special Idea 2 It is now 2 hours since the DCP has been activated and started to provide assistance to the SES Incident Commander. The predicted bad weather has not manifested as predicted by the Bureau of Meteorology and the City of Kalgoorlie has just been subjected to a violent, but short, storm. As a consequence a large amount of rain has fallen in a very short period of time and there is significant flooding within the city. A direct result of the flooding is that an estimated 100 people have had their houses damaged to the extent that they cannot sleep there tonight. The SES Incident Commander has asked the DCP to manage the welfare issues associated with the needs of these people. It is now 2 hours since the DCP has been activated and started to provide assistance to the SES Incident Commander. The predicted bad weather has not manifested as predicted by the Bureau of Meteorology and the City of Kalgoorlie has just been subjected to a violent, but short, storm. As a consequence a large amount of rain has fallen in a very short period of time and there is significant flooding within the city. A direct result of the flooding is that an estimated 100 people have had their houses damaged to the extent that they cannot sleep there tonight. The SES Incident Commander has asked the DCP to manage the welfare issues associated with the needs of these people.
Syndicate Exercise 2 Identify how the Kalgoorlie Boulder DCP will activate the additional resources required to manage this escalated situation. Using the resource lists and the duty rosters for today, identify what resources and people would be available to manage this situation and what the gap would be. How would the DCP District Supervisor ensure that the DCP would be able to manage its responsibilities in this situation, what assistance could be called on and what process would be used to access this assistance?