Heliography (Sun Writing)
Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence, Italy
Physionotrace, 1786
Camera Obscura
Camera Lucida
Modern Camera Obscura
Joseph Nicephore Niepce (1765 – 1833) View from the Window at Le Gras, 1826
Louis-Jacques-Mande Daguerre (1787-1851) Still Life, 1837
Hippolyte Bayard (1801 – 1887) Self Portrait as a Drowned Man, 1840
William Henry Fox Talbot (1800 - 1877) The Oriel Window, South Gallery, Lacock Abbey, 1835 or 1839
William Henry Fox Talbot (1800 – 1877) Wrack: From the “Bertoloni Album”, 1839
William Henry Fox Talbot (1800 – 1877) The Pencil of Nature, 1844-46
William Henry Fox Talbot (1800 – 1877) The Open Door, 1844
William Henry Fox Talbot (1800 – 1877) The Tomb of Sir Walter Scott, 1844
Gustave Le Gray Fontainebleau, 1849
Frederick Scott Archer Ruined Tower, 1850-59
Edward Steichen Balzac Toward the Light, 1908
Alexander S. Wolcott Camera with concave mirror
W. Lewis and W.H. Lewis Bellows Camera, 1851
Early Bellows Camera Shift, Tilt, Swing
William Henry Jackson with Mammoth Camera
Sally Mann Video