The Transition to Smoke-free Parks at THPRD 2017 NRPA Annual Conference Bob Wayt Director – Communications & Outreach
How the Smoke-free Movement Started Advisory committee initiative Graduate student study Committee approved January 2013 All advisory committees: 95% support 2013 survey of district residents: 89% support Surveyed 11 Oregon agencies that were already smoke-free Staff decision to go for it
Public Outreach Two public meetings held Online survey Social media posts News releases/media coverage No formal opposition Surprise from The Oregonian
Presentations to the THPRD Board First one by advisory committee (before outreach) Provided rationale Outlined public awareness campaign Addressed enforcement issue Included county health testimony Lots of board engagement Second presentation (after outreach) One person testified Approval to move forward
Implementation Stickers on park rules signs Mix of communications media That process continues Example: announcements at concerts Reliance on self-enforcement
Results and Lessons Learned Overall, a smooth transition Park Patrol contacts 1,171 verbal warnings 46 exclusions Some for marijuana smoking Lessons learned Doing homework beforehand paid off E-cigarette ban was good move Educate, assist staff who smoke Self-enforcement can work