A structure for writing that will make your paragraphs more powerful. Power Writing A structure for writing that will make your paragraphs more powerful.
What Does it mean to be powerful?
What is Power Writing? Power Writing is a system of writing that uses numbers to label the different types of sentences that go into paragraphs and essays. Using Power Writing will result in clear and well organized paragraphs and will help you to become a better writer.
Power 1: Main Idea The job of a main idea is to tell the reader exactly what you will be writing about in your paragraph. This is also called a “Thesis Statement” It is a promise you make to your reader. Don’t ever break your promise. Every paragraph must have a main idea!! The main idea or power 1 is the umbrella under which the rest of the paragraph is contained
Tips for writing Power 1’s: A good main idea or thesis sentence will always restate the question. A great way to stay organized is to include a number (we will come back to this!) If you are ever stuck, see if you can start your main idea with the words: “There are…____________________”
Examples of Power 1’s Writing Prompts: What are two ways the characters develop over the course of the story? List the steps required to tie ones shoes. Main Idea/Thesis: There are two ways the characters develop over the course of the story. There are three steps required to tie ones shoes.
Power 2’s: Major Details A power 2 sentence is a detail sentence. The job of a power 2 sentence is to support, explain, or prove anything you promised your reader in the main idea. A power 2 should begin with a transition word. You must have a power 2 in every paragraph. Without a power 2, your main idea is just a sentence, not a part of a paragraph
Example Power 2 Sentences Main Ideas: There are 3 steps required to tie ones shoes. There are two ways the characters develop over the course of the story. Power 2 Sentences To begin, one must pick up the laces and cross them over each other. The first way the characters develop is through their experiences.
Power 3: Elaborating or Example Details A Power 3 sentence talks more about the detail provided in the Power 2 sentence before it. A Power 3 can be an example or a quote from the story. This is usually the sentence that you will use to give textual evidence A power 3 should begin with a transition.
Example Power 3 Sentences To begin, one must pick up the laces and cross them over each other. The first way the characters develop is through their experiences. Power 3 Sentences To be specific, this step forms the base of the knot. For example, the characters grew up in the same family and shared holidays together.
Power 4’s: Conclusion The job of a power 4 is to summarize or complete the paragraph. Power 4’s will always restate the main idea or thesis statement in other words. The conclusion sentence should never be identical to the main idea. Power 4’s will always begin with a transition word.
Example Power 4 Sentences Main Idea/Thesis: There are two ways the characters develop over the course of the story. There are three steps required to tie ones shoes. Power 4 Conclusions Overall, the development of the characters occurs throughout the entire story. In summary, following the listed steps details how to tie ones shoes