Dr. Kari Stubbs VP, Learning & Innovation, BrainPOP kstubbs@brainpop.com @karistubbs @brainpop
LET’S TAKE A QUIZ Log into BrainPOP via the Browser on your mobile phone Username: marchstudentX Password: brainpop1 Enter Code: CTDigital2 Attendee Quiz - questions on coding, gaming, concept mapping Enter code 21CLHK @KariStubbs @BrainPOP #21CLHK
What does that term mean to you? What does “critical thinking” really mean? What does that term mean to you?
What does “critical thinking” really mean? “Critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action.” Source: Scriven & Paul, 8th Annual International Conference on Critical Thinking and Education Reform, 1987
What does “critical thinking” really mean? “Critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action.” Source: Scriven & Paul, 8th Annual International Conference on Critical Thinking and Education Reform, 1987
What does “critical thinking” really mean? “Critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action.” Source: Scriven & Paul, 8th Annual International Conference on Critical Thinking and Education Reform, 1987
What does “critical thinking” really mean? “Critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action.” Source: Scriven & Paul, 8th Annual International Conference on Critical Thinking and Education Reform, 1987
WHY IS CRITICAL THINKING IMPORTANT TODAY? Information intensive society and economy Accelerating pace of change Employability
WHY IS CRITICAL THINKING IMPORTANT TODAY? 72% of employers say critical thinking is key to their organization’s success But only half say their employees are good critical thinkers 93% of employers say a candidate’s competencies with workplace skills such as critical thinking are more important then their undergraduate major Sources: American Management Study, 2012 AACU Survey, 2013
How important is critical thinking for today’s students? QUIZ RESULTS How important is critical thinking for today’s students?
% District Admin who agree % Community Members who agree Most important skills students need to master for future success % Parents who agree % District Admin who agree % Community Members who agree Critical Thinking 85% 94% Creativity 75% 78% 71% Communications 66% 77% 63% Collaboration 74% 87% Source: Project Tomorrow’s Speak Up Research Project. Data collected in fall 2016 from 514,000 education stakeholders
WHY IS CRITICAL THINKING IMPORTANT TODAY? 75% of employers want education institutions to place a higher emphasis on these students’ skills: Critical thinking Complex problem solving Written and oral communications Applying knowledge in real world situations Source: AACU Survey, 2013
What are the best ways for students to develop workplace skills? QUIZ RESULTS What are the best ways for students to develop workplace skills?
% of district admin who agree % of community members who agree Ways to develop workplace skills % of parents who agree % of district admin who agree % of community members who agree Work experience 80% 79% 81% Team experience 64% 57% Using technology within classes 63% 76% 61% School leadership 73% 62% Project-based learning 55% 51% Taking STEM classes 50% 47% 34% Using technology outside of school 49% 56% Take CTE classes 45% 53% Source: Speak Up 2016 Research findings
Best ways to help students develop those skills Recommended strategies for classroom teachers: Do not always jump in to help students with answers Engage students in brainstorming about new activities Provides opportunities for questioning and inquiry Leverage activities that support classifying and categorization, comparing and contrasting Enable connection-making – how does this influence that? Allow for peer learning, collaborative problem solving Sources: Partnership for 21st Century Skills TeacherHub
Leveraging digital tools for skill development General ideas for classroom teachers: Reflection activities Peer review activities Digital storytelling Content creation Small group activities Discussion forums Source: Northwestern University Education Blog
What deep thinking questions are your students tackling now OR soon? Connect those concepts back to creative thinking - maybe quick rapid brainstorming on what is creativity? what is creativity in the digital age? What deep thinking questions are your students tackling now OR soon? @KariStubbs @BrainPOP #21CLHK
Let’s put on our student hats and tackle these issues with digital tools…. Segway to Mini Chapters to the Session @KariStubbs @BrainPOP #21CLHK
@KariStubbs @BrainPOP #21CLHK
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How did these digital tools support the critical thinking process? Discussion tying them all back to creativity - 10 minutes Thinking question - How can these digital tools support the creative thinking process? Thinking question - What practices can you leverage this week to tap into creativity with your students? @KariStubbs @BrainPOP #21CLHK
Leveraging digital tools for skill development General ideas for classroom teachers: Reflection activities Peer review activities Digital storytelling Content creation Small group activities Discussion forums Source: Northwestern University Education Blog
Readable version of original document © 2015 BrainPOP. All rights reserved. For information on BrainPOP trademarks & copyrights, visit brainpop.com/trademarks. New! Primary Sources Readable version of original document image of “original” Activity Pages
Challenges @KariStubbs @BrainPOP #21CLHK
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BreakoutEDU + BrainPOP @KariStubbs @BrainPOP @MBrownEdTech #21CLHK
@KariStubbs @BrainPOP #21CLHK
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Thank You Dr. Kari Stubbs VP, Learning & Innovation, BrainPOP kstubbs@brainpop.com @karistubbs @brainpop